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Showing posts from July, 2021


My first Mommy and Me Yoga class at the Dragonfly-Art for Life was April 16, 2021. Since that date, I have had one mother/daughter pair show up one time. It can be a little disheartening when people don't show up... especially to a free class! I stuck with it, though - Edison and I show up every week (unless we are on vacation of course). I am pleased to report that this last Friday  -3 months after my first class - I had a few more people than normal. 11 more to be exact! It was a bit chaotic, but that's what happens when kids get involved. Oh, what a blast it was! I realize it probably won't be like that every week, but it gave my confidence a little boost and I cannot wait for the next one.   See you there with your kiddo?  Nasmas(tay)   Mommy (or Daddy) and Me Yoga Fridays 11:30am-12pm Dragonfly-Art for Life @ 1210 J Street Can you spot Edison? He is on the move!

Home Sweet Home

You may have already figured it out, but the family and I have been on vacation the last 3 weeks. Well... since we had Edison with us, it was actually a trip rather than a vacation - a road trip to be more precise! That's right! We took a 9 month old on a 3 week road trip and it went pretty darn good, I would have to say. There were a couple bumps in the road but nothing major (whew!). We were gone 22 days, visited 11 cities in 5 states and made tons of good memories. We are home safe and sound. It feels good to be home but it's a little bittersweet. The end of trips always make me a little sad, but getting to sleep in my own bed makes me VERY happy.  Happy hump day, my friends. Namas(tay).