Let me start by saying that I always have good intentions for wanting to write about big events in my life. I want to because I don't want to forget anything. Unfortunately, I get overwhelmed just thinking about the task so, oftentimes, I end up not doing it. This is not going to be one those times because I'm not sure I have ever been more proud of myself in my entire life. I've always dreamed about having a baby and imagined what labor would be like. Women's bodies are literally designed to create life. It's quite trippy when you think about it. So, in this blog I will be documenting 3 birth stories. The birth of Edison Andrew Huff, our sweet baby boy, and the births of a mom and dad. It might have some moments of TMI, but that's labor for ya! I hope you enjoy. If not, well, at least I have it written down so I can look back on a moment in my life that I am so incredibly proud of. You might wonder why I included this story on my yoga blog. First, I met my Doul...