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My first Mommy and Me Yoga class at the Dragonfly-Art for Life was April 16, 2021. Since that date, I have had one mother/daughter pair show up one time. It can be a little disheartening when people don't show up... especially to a free class! I stuck with it, though - Edison and I show up every week (unless we are on vacation of course). I am pleased to report that this last Friday  -3 months after my first class - I had a few more people than normal. 11 more to be exact! It was a bit chaotic, but that's what happens when kids get involved. Oh, what a blast it was! I realize it probably won't be like that every week, but it gave my confidence a little boost and I cannot wait for the next one.   See you there with your kiddo?  Nasmas(tay)   Mommy (or Daddy) and Me Yoga Fridays 11:30am-12pm Dragonfly-Art for Life @ 1210 J Street Can you spot Edison? He is on the move!

Home Sweet Home

You may have already figured it out, but the family and I have been on vacation the last 3 weeks. Well... since we had Edison with us, it was actually a trip rather than a vacation - a road trip to be more precise! That's right! We took a 9 month old on a 3 week road trip and it went pretty darn good, I would have to say. There were a couple bumps in the road but nothing major (whew!). We were gone 22 days, visited 11 cities in 5 states and made tons of good memories. We are home safe and sound. It feels good to be home but it's a little bittersweet. The end of trips always make me a little sad, but getting to sleep in my own bed makes me VERY happy.  Happy hump day, my friends. Namas(tay).

Family Nutrition 101 Follow Up

I am pleased to report Family Nutrition 101 was a success! We had 4 families join for a total of 9 people (my sister and 2 nieces definitely still count)! I was nervous, but it went well. People asked how they could find out about the next one, so that's a good sign. We had fun learning about basic nutrition and developing a healthy relationship with food. My favorite part was the activities which included: guessing how much sugar was in different drinks using sugar cubes, building a meal using the USDA's MyPlate, and making No Bake Energy Bites to snack on. It was an hour and a half of my life that was definitely well spent! Thank you to those that joined and to my friend, Veronica, at Breathing Through Counseling and Wellness Services for having me.   I look forward to the next one!

Tayoga Does Nutrition

Hi all!    Many of you know that I am a Yoga Teacher, but you may not know that I've been a Registered Dietitian for almost a decade. New opportunities in the nutrition field have been coming my way, so I figured it's time to embrace them. On Saturday, June 12th @ 2pm I will be teaching an in-person interactive Family Nutrition 101 workshop. My good friend, Veronica Tovar, with Breathing Through Counseling and Wellness Services in Modesto, reached out to me. We met at our Yoga Teacher Training 3 years ago and she is an amazing counselor with a dream to combine counseling and wellness - which is where nutrition comes in. Tickets are available on Eventbrite at this link  Family Nutrition 101 . It's a great opportunity for an afternoon out with the family to play, learn, and, of course, eat!    Hope to see you there, my friends! Namas(tay).

What A Week

 It has been quite an interesting week, hence why this post is getting done on Sunday instead of Friday. I am meeting a very good friend for a walk soon so I will keep this brief. Sunday - Huff Family get-together since Grandma is moving out of her house after 40+ years. Monday - My first day at my new job at Central Valley Specialty Hospital. Tuesday - My last day at my old job, Garden City Healthcare, after 7+ years. Wednesday - Girls day (plus Edison) with my Mom, Sister, and Aunt. As a bonus we went to dinner for my Mother-n-law's birthday at Redwood Cafe. Thursday - Errand running (quite productive but not very exciting). Friday - Taught my 9am Vinyasa class at Elevate. It was so much fun! I made a "So Long" playlist as a tribute to my old job. There was good energy in the room and everyone seemed to have a good time.  Saturday - Edison was baptized at St. Joseph's Catholic Church and then family came to our house afterwards. It was such a beautiful special day a

Change Is Coming

My brain has been a bit scattered lately. If you read last week's post you will know the main reason why. The other major reason (besides being a mom) is because I am transitioning to a new job. I have been the RD at Garden City Healthcare for almost seven and a half years. It is hard to leave; but, I must admit, I'm a little excited for the change, as well. Hopefully, once I'm a little more settled in my new position my brain will get back on track!  My Tayoga class this morning was fun but I messed up on a couple of the cues (scattered brain side effects). I tried to tell everyone to bring their gaze up to the ceiling but at that moment I forgot what the ceiling was called! Haha :) Oh well. It happens.  I revamped an old playlist last night and I am pleased to report that I even got a compliment on it today which makes this playlist better than the original version! It is so nice when that happens.  Ok... I have to go put the boy down for a nap. Happy Friday, my friends.