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Modesto Famous

My goal for Tayoga is to become Modesto famous. Quite a few years ago I taught a Classic Rock yoga class. After I taught the class I went to Fun Sport Bike and bought a new bike. While I was there, I mentioned I had just taught a Classic Rock yoga class and the gal said, "You're Tayoga?" Oh man that made my day!  To help achieve this fame I decided to become a sponsor for Prospect Theater Project's annual fundraiser. Andrew and I love this little theater. If you've never been I highly recommend checking it out ( Prospect Theater Project ). When I saw my logo on the fundraising email I got so excited! A step in the right direction. Here's to many more steps in the right direction even if they are baby steps.  Happy Monday, my friends! Namas(tay). 

Happy Birthday To Me!

For my birthday this year I decided to teach a heated Vinyasa class at my favorite studio, Elevate Community Yoga. The new owner, Cat Ramer, provided funfetti cupcakes and mimosas afterwards. These lovely ladies showed up and made my day. It was a great start to my birthday season!  I hope you all are well! Cheers and Namas(tay)!

Sip Sip Hooray!

As promised, here are a couple pictures from my Ales and Asanas class this morning. It was a smashing success and I cannot wait to teach another one. I created a special playlist for this event (shocking, I know) and I decided to post it on my Patreon for free! Need a mixtape to kick back and drink a beer to? Head on over to and check out Ales & Asanas by Tayoga. Cheers and Namas(tay). 

It's About Time!

Hi all! It's been a while, but I'm still here! I'm currently getting ready to head to Manteca for one of my favorite yoga events, Beer and Yoga! I'll be teaching at Brethren Brewing Company this morning at 10am. Manteca is my home town, so this is an extra special one for me. I'll work on getting you some pictures of the event! I hope you all are well! Cheers and Namas(tay).


I figured since I haven't done a blog post in 2 months that I would make this a good one... Tayoga Baby #2 is due December 2022! Andrew and I are very excited and Edison doesn't really know what's going on... other than Mom keeps pointing to her belly and saying baby. Haha! My plan is to keep teaching as long as possible like I did with Edison. I was actually supposed to teach the day I went into labor with Edison. Good thing I had a backup teacher come just in case I didn't make it!  That was the BIG NEWS! Hopefully it put a smile on your face. Have a great day! It's almost Tayoga Friday. Wahoo! Namas(tay).

Mardi Gras

This post is a bit delayed but if you've never been to the South for Mardi Gras I highly recommend it. In February/March we did a 2.5 week road trip through the Bayou and were even in New Orleans for actual Mardi Gras. This was one of the COOLEST TRIPS EVER! Let's just say I'm ruined for all other parades now.  Oh ya...and since this is a yoga blog I should mention that I did yoga in Mississippi and Alabama. The Alabama class wasn't the greatest but the Mississippi one was fantastic! I made sure to write everything down afterwards and have incorporated multiple moves into my classes. Hopefully one of these days I'll take a yoga class in every state. Have a great day, my friends. Namas(tay).

Can Life Get Better?

Polar Bear jammies and a puzzle crown. Can life get any better? Maybe if you add some Tayoga to the mix...and some orange sunglasses ;) Love ya, my friends. Namas(tay).