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Bad Dream

Let me start by saying this is an important week for me since I will be teaching my first yoga classes Friday and Saturday! Yay and Yikes!

Over the years I have developed the habit of turning my alarm off in the morning and then going back to sleep. I realize this is a terrible habit and I paid for it a little bit this morning. After turning my alarm off this morning I snuggled up to my man and drifted back to sleep. Next thing I know I am teaching my first yoga class and it is going TERRIBLY! After 10 minutes into the class a girl came up to me and stated she was leaving because she wanted to further her practice and my flow was awful. There were also disruptive people in the class which led to other people leaving in the middle of my class. I woke with a start to find it was only a dream! Whew! What a nightmare! I guess that will teach me to go back to sleep after my alarm goes off.

Here is the yoga studio's website if you care to join me for a class! We also have lots of other great teachers if my classes do not work with your schedule.

Cheers to a good week!
