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First Classes

With all the craziness that is my life I realize I have been terrible about posting a blog recently. My apologies.

GOOD NEWS... I have survived teaching my first 3 Vinyasa yoga classes! My first class was Friday, May 11, 2018 at 9am. I was so nervous! There were 12 people there including my mama, sister, and husband (which will likely be his one and only class he attends). I am blessed to have such a supportive family. The first class went well except for some technical issues. I will tell you now that technology despises me. During the middle of my class the volume went up SOOO LOUD! I had to yell for everyone to take a child's pose while I handled the situation. Luckily, I was able to brush it off and told the class I just wanted to make sure they were awake :) I felt a little more confident the following 2 classes but still have a ways to go. As my husband always says, "Practice makes better," though in the yoga world it is "Practice makes progress." I'll just keep on practicing! Hope you will come practice with me some day at Elevate Community Yoga!
