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It has become more and more apparent to me that I have not been taking the "setting an intention" part of my yoga practice seriously. I find that I get to the end of a class and the teacher says, "come back to your intention." It is then that I think, OOPS! I probably should have done that but I never know what to choose.

Since becoming a yoga instructor I find it more difficult to explain to others about setting their intention so I decided to do a little research on the matter. What stood out to me the most was choosing something positive that was important to me not just on my mat but also off my mat. This takes the yoga practice to a whole new level because not only does it help you feel good both physically and mentally after practicing but it can carry over to the whole day, or week, or month!

I'm going to try and incorporate this new little bit of information into my practice and see how it goes!
