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Doing something that scares you

This past weekend, Andrew and I took our friend, David, down to Southern California to go to Magic Mountain for his birthday. He loves roller coasters so it was on his bucket list. Andrew's sister, Joy, and our good friend, Ben the Rocket Scientist, also joined us for the trip. You can probably tell by my facial expression in the picture below that roller coasters scare me. This picture was taken after already going on 2 terrifying coasters. The first one was called Tatsu. The seats you are in shift backwards so you get the impression of flying. Since everyone was very excited about the ride (except me), we ended up in the front row. Let's just say I was a blubbering mess! I was trying to take deep calming Ujjayi breaths as they were strapping us in, but all that was happening were tears welling up and my nose starting to run. Sigh... Let's just say I survived. It was not my favorite experience but I was proud of myself for doing it. Everyone thought I would not be going on any more coasters after that, but I am proud to say I proved them wrong! After the first roller coaster, I was not as scared, but being that I get motion sickness my body was only able to handle 5 out of the 12 that the rest of these guys went on. 

I am telling this story because every person has something different they are scared of. Maybe yours in trying something new - like yoga. I understand that going to a yoga studio can be intimidating, especially if you are brand new. What I want to tell you is this: It's ok if you're scared, but if you want to try yoga then do it; I promise you won't regret it. Elevate Community Yoga it is just that... a community. We want you to be a part of the community. Hope to see you soon!
