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Yoga Injuries

Recently, I couldn't help myself and bought a yoga magazine while I was in line at the grocery store. The focus for this particular issue is yoga injuries. I have been fortunate enough that I have not had any major yoga injuries. Rather, it was a major injury that got me into yoga.

There are many reasons that could lead to a yoga related injury including: pushing oneself too hard - especially when an injury is already present, poor alignment, a teacher giving inaccurate cues, etc. I believe pushing oneself too hard is a HUGE reason yogis get hurt. When I first started doing yoga I was guilty of pushing myself too hard. Now that I have been practicing for almost 4 years I am more aware of my body's needs. Just like my guru, Kaycie, conveys to me, I try to convey to my students that "the ego is not your amigo!"

I have only read 2 articles from the magazine but the main thing that struck me was this: Yoga is not about the asanas (postures) it is about the body. The asanas help the body to feel good. Next time you go to a yoga class set your intention to just feel good. I promise you won't regret it.
