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Balance During the Christmas Season

Noun - an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.
Verb - keep or put (something) in a steady position so that is does not fall.
Synonyms - stability, steadiness, footing, poise, level

It has been a while since my last post. My apologies about that! I just wanted to check in and see how you all are doing during this Christmas season. Personally, I enjoy this time of year and usually do not let it stress me out. Have you been stressed? At the beginning of my classes this season I have been offering the intention of balance. Balance is not only important in the yoga practice but for life. Balance helps us to manage stress.

In yoga, the key to balance is finding a focal point or (a drishti). If you find one spot of the floor or wall to focus on it will help you balance physically. The same goes for life. Choose a focal point for this Christmas season. Make sure it is the most important thing to you and focus on it. Most likely it is spending time with family, friends, Jesus, etc. rather than getting presents for everyone. Use your focal point to bring balance to the Christmas season and my guess would be that this season will become far more merry and bright.

Merry Christmas!
