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My Love for Orange

Hello all and happy Monday.

I decided to theme this post around my favorite color, orange. If you know me, you know I am very passionate about this favorite color of mine. My love for orange started back in elementary school. I believe I was in the 4th or 5th grade when my parents bought a pool table to put in our game room. Oh how exciting that was! My friends and I would play for hours. Since we were not coordinated enough to play actual pool, we decided to come up with our own game. We would divide the balls between us by color, then roll them back and forth on the pool table trying to make them in the pockets on the other persons side. I always found myself choosing the 5 and 13 balls because they were such a fun, vibrant, happy, beautiful color...ORANGE! Since then, my love for orange has grown exponentially! I think it was fate that my first car was an orange 1972 Datsun 510. Fast forward to today and you will rarely see me without my orange sunglasses on. My yoga mat is orange. Orange was one of the colors for our wedding. We have multiple orange rooms in our house and I'm seriously thinking about painting our front door a shade of orange. I'll get back to you on that one!

You may be wondering why I love orange so much. The answer is simple. It's such a happy color and it makes me happy. It reminds me of sunshine and I absolutely love sunshine. I went to a funeral this past weekend and I decided to wear a little bit of orange because even such a sad event needs a little bit of happiness and sunshine.

This is what I want to bring to those who come to my yoga classes...happiness and sunshine. If you came to my class last week, I'm pretty sure my ridiculous playlist brought you a little bit of happiness! What brings you happiness?

I hope you have a HAPPY Monday and a fantastic week!


Your friendly neighborhood orange fanatic yoga teacher
