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Tayoga Classic Rock Experience

You read that right! Tayoga will be flowing to Classic Rock hits at Elevate Community Yoga next month! Are you as excited as I am?

You may be wondering where this idea came from...the hubby! He is a big-time Classic Rock fan. You may remember that he is not a huge fan of yoga, but he loves me, so he puts up with my shenanigans. A while back, he told me he would go to at least 3 more of my yoga classes: Beer yoga (2 of my favorite things combined), Games of Thrones yoga (last season comes out in April!), and Classic Rock yoga. I didn't realize I would be doing a Classic Rock class but now is the perfect time. It is Teacher Training time at Elevate Community Yoga, so lots of pop-up classes are being added to the schedule. I hope you pop-in for a pop-up class, even if it is not my Classic Rock class. I promise you won't regret it. If you are interested in a far-out yoga experience, check out the details below. Peace!

Tayoga Classic Rock Experience Details:
Date: Saturday, February 9, 2019
Time: 1:00-2:15pm
Location: Elevate Community Yoga
Cost: $13 suggested donation, but give what you can
Dress: Tie Dye (optional)
