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5 Year Throwback

Hello all... I have a different kind of post for you today. We are going to throw it back five years ago to an event that seemed horrible at the time but turned out to be a blessing.

Five years ago yesterday I broke my knee and had to have surgery. It was a pole dancing accident... I was taking a pole dancing class with some friends when a hot guy walked in. He was so good looking I lost my concentration and my grip on the pole which caused me to fall and break my knee... JUST KIDDING! Unfortunately, the actual story is quite lame. I was on a date at a restaurant (not a first date, thank goodness). I had boots on with a heel and the floor was tile. As I walked down the tile ramp to go to the restroom my right heel slipped on the tile causing my left knee to slam straight down into the tile, causing my knee to break. A week later, I had surgery which required 2 screws and a wire to be put in. I was devastated at the time, since I had never broken a bone before and had never had to have surgery. I've always been an active person which made things more upsetting. When you add on the fact that I had just started a new job 2 weeks prior, it may be safe to say I felt like my world was falling apart. Luckily, I have the most supportive family in the world, and good did come out of this mess.

This may sound strange - if I could go back and prevent myself from breaking my knee... I wouldn't. The reasons are simple... Andrew and Yoga.

The person I was on a date with when I broke my knee was not my husband, Andrew. You might say that breaking my knee was a bit of an eye opener that made me realize I didn't want to be with this person. I sincerely believe if I had not broken my knee I would have stayed with this other person and would likely not be married to my husband today.

Yoga is the second best thing that came out of this situation. Since running wasn't the best thing for my knee anymore, I decided to try out yoga with a friend. I figured it would be a great way to strengthen my knee and help deal with stress. Boy was I right! Yoga is now a passion of mine. I never want to give it up! I want to share it with others and maybe, just maybe, I can help them through their tough times, too.

