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Superbowl Weekend

Hi all!

I hope you had a wonderful Superbowl weekend, even if your team didn't win, and/or you don't care about football! Personally, I am a baseball fan, so I love the Superbowl because that means baseball season is almost here!

This year, we had a poker night at our house on Saturday, and then headed to a buddy's house for the Superbowl on Sunday. It was a great time. We hung out with friends and had a chili cook off. My chili tied for first! I guess my family cookbook came through for me!

One thing I find that I do, especially during sports games, is I like to stretch on the floor while I'm watching. It seems simple, but you can get a lot of stretching in - instead of just sitting on the couch! Next time you are watching TV, simply pick your favorite Yin pose (google Yin poses if you need to), get as comfortable as possible, and then just watch TV. Feel free to use props. The props don't have to be "official" yoga props; they can simply be throw pillows or the blanket you would use while you were curled up on the couch. You'd be amazed at how much further you can stretch by doing gentle static stretching for a couple minutes. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Cheers and Happy Baseball Season! Go Giants!
