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Game of Thrones Yoga

Cue Game of Thrones intro music...

"A girl has a name, and it's TAYOGA."
"I yoga, and I know things."
"Tayoga is coming."

If you are a fan of the HBO series Game of Thrones you will understand these references that I put a little twist on. However, you may still be confused by the fact that Tayoga and Game of Thrones seemingly have nothing to do with each other. This is where you would be incorrect! That's right - in honor of the final season of Game of Thrones coming out this April, I will be putting together a special Game of Thrones Yoga event at Elevate Community Yoga!

If I'm going to be honest, I have had this idea for years. Before I even decided to take my Yoga Teacher Training, I thought a GoT themed class would be the coolest thing ever! How am I going to make it Game of Thrones themed, you may ask? Obviously, I will play Game of Thrones music, but there are other songs that could work for the flow, as well. For instance, Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" seems rather appropriate given the character mortality rate, don't you think? I also think, Alicia Keys, "This Girl is on Fire" would fit in quite nicely. Oh the possibilities! Aside from the music, there are lots of asanas that fit in nicely with the GoT theme. If you join me for this flow come ready to do Tree Pose, Lannister Lion's Breath, and definitely Downward Facing Wolf just to name a few!

It doesn't matter if you have never seen the show or have never done yoga. It's going to be a great time and I hope you can join!


Date: Saturday, April 13, 2019
Time: 11:00am 
Includes: 75 minute Vinyasa flow + snacks to follow
Tickets: Eventbrite Link
