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Kids Yoga

This past Friday, I had the privilege of teaching my first ever Tayoga Kids Yoga class! I was a nervous wreck before - because kids can be scary - but it was an absolute BLAST!

This came about because my sister, Hilary, has 2 girls, Olivia and Emily, and they wanted Auntie TayTay to come to their classroom to teach yoga. Last week, I taught Emily's 2nd grade class. There were between 15-20 kids so it was not too overwhelming. I am pleased to report that not only did I have a good time but the kids did too! When the teacher asked if they wanted Mrs. Huff (which sounds super weird to hear out loud) to come back, all the kids shouted "YAAAAA!" Oh, it was so much fun. Afterward, I was able to speak with the teacher a little bit and she said in her 22 years of teaching, she had never had someone come do yoga with her students - She loved it. Of course, now Olivia is itching to have me come teach her class - which is 4th grade. 4th grade seems even more intimidating, but, I'm sure it will be fun, as well.

One of my favorite parts about the class was seeing how excited the kids were to do something new. My niece, Emily, seemed especially excited; she came up and gave me a big hug in front of everyone! My other favorite part was Savasana. Everyone was sitting cross-legged on the floor with hands at heart center. I played a piano/cello version of "Pure Imagination" from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Despite how energized and excited they had been as we went through poses, all the kids sat there still and quiet. It just goes to show yoga is powerful.

I love bringing yoga to everyone. Big, small, young, old, injured, happy, stressed - I hope my skills continue to grow, so I can share this passion of mine to anyone and everyone. I think I'm off to a pretty good start!

Have a great week!

