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Busy Weekend

The weekend was full of family, friends, rain, Game of Thones, and of


Fridays are my big yoga days. I taught my usual 9am class at Elevate Community Yoga. The class flowed to a couple of Spice Girls song which I think went over well! We focused on binds with our peak posture being Bird of Paradise. Almost the entire class got into it! Some for the first time! Wahoo! After that I had a pot of tea with one of my favorite people, Anita (Tayoga conversation is in the works with this lovely lady so stay tuned!). Tea was followed by lunchtime yoga downtown at the Dragonly-Art for Life. One of the students that attended had a new knee injury so lunchtime yoga was transformed into chair yoga! Brittnie King led us through the perfect 30 minute chair yoga. It just goes to show we welcome all levels at our Free Yoga Fridays! To continue with the Friday Yoga theme, I headed to Escalon to teach yoga to my niece's 4th grade class one more time before the end of the school year. Luckily, the rain stopped so we could do yoga outside. We did several balancing postures. Tree pose went well...Dancer pose was another story! We ended with some Essential Oil that I had them put behind their ears. Arise by DoTerra is a big hit with the kids! After that I hurried back to Modesto to get my haircut and then the day ended with watching the Sharks playoff game with friends. Unfortunately, they lost but overall the day was a win in my book!


If you think Friday was busy...Saturday was busier! First, Andrew and I headed to our friends Engagement Brunch Shower. It was so much fun to see them since it had been a while. Luckily, the house it was hosted at was nearby Elevate Community Yoga since Elevate had a photo shoot from 1-3pm to use for promo materials. I made it for the last 30 minutes of the photo shoot but I was a bit frazzled...that was probably due to the Mimosa bar I indulged in at our friends brunch...whoops! We will see if there were any good photos taken of Tayoga! After photos it was off to MJC to watch our nieces dance recital. I had let Andrew out of previous ones but it was about time he attended one. The girls did surprise there! Afterward we headed to dinner with my parents at Bauer's 66 1/2. We were suppose to go downtown to meet back up with friends but they never got back to us so it was home for us! Snuggling up on the couch in our jammies re-watching the last GoT episode was the perfect way to end a hectic (but fun) day.


Andrew and I are very good at sleeping in so making it to brunch at 10:30am on a Sunday seemed difficult but we did it! Friends invited us over for brunch before Porchfest. The biscuits and gravy were so good! Andrew stayed for brunch but then headed home to study for his Architecture exam which is Monday. The rest of us headed out into the rain for Porchfest! It was so fun. I love spending time with friends. It's too bad the weather was so gloomy because the crowds were so much smaller compared to last year but those that were out made the most of it. Andrew came back to get me after a few hours so we could head to dinner for his Mom's birthday. We went to Redwood Cafe. The macaroni and cheese is delicious in case you need a recommendations. After dessert, we headed back to our place since friends were coming over to watch the very last episode of GoT. It was definitely bittersweet but ending the crazy busy weekend with friends was the best way to end it.

Not sure if you enjoyed reading about my entire weekend but there it is! Have a great week!

