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Tayoga Tap Takeover

Ok... so it's not really a tap takeover, because there are no taps to take over and it is only one beer BUT it is the first ever Tayoga Brew! A friend of ours, Aaron, is a home brewer. I knew he was the right man to help make Tayoga Brew because he also brewed a delicious Milk Stout for our wedding.

 A couple Saturday's ago, Andrew and I went over to Aaron's house to begin the brewing process. It wasn't easy like I thought it was going to be. I figured I'd get to drink beer and, every once in a while, I'd toss a new ingredient in. That was not the case! Aaron made sure I understood what I was doing, so I was quizzed throughout the entire process (I passed with flying colors, in case you were wondering). I also had to grind coriander with a mortar and pestle and stir for quite some time while we added the malt (and there was LOTS of malt)! I lucked out, though, since he bought a new stirring spoon - I hear the old one was quite irritating! After everything was done, we poured the beautiful new liquid into a fermenting bucket, added some yeast, and now we wait! Bottling will be the next step, but the step that will be the most fun will be drinking it, of course! How do you feel about a Tayoga and Beer event which includes one of my favorite styles of beer - brewed by yours truly? I sounds like a fabulous idea! Details to come! Stay tuned!
