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Showing posts from June, 2019

Tayoga Conversation with Anita Rodriguez

Below is the latest installment of the soon-to-be-famous (I’m sure) Tayoga Conversations. This conversation is between me and the lovely Anita Rodriguez. Anita and I met through yoga and were partners during our Teacher Training last year. Anita is a true friend and I am so excited to share her story with you.   Tayoga:  How did you get started with yoga? Anita: Oh yay, I love telling my yoga origin story! I started doing yoga in college, maybe 15-ish years? I found a VHS tape called MTV Yoga. It was taught by Kristin McGee (she was mentioned in relation to Sex and the City?) and the girl from Real World New York (the second cast) who looked a lot like Catherine Zeta-Jones. It was a pretty basic vinyasa class, and I remember starting out barely being able to get through the first 15 minutes. I don’t remember much of the sequence, but I SWEAR we only did half pigeon on one side and I like to joke that I’m still uneven from it. Anyway, time goes by and I’ve really only done ...


I love savasana! Anyone with me? I am proud to say I have never had to leave during savasana. It would have to be an extreme circumstance to get me to leave early. Anyway, here is a picture of me doing savasana in a hammock on the beach in Belize. BEST. SAVASANA. EVER! Have a great day!

I'm Back!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately! The hubby and I went on vacation to Belize and as you can probably guess it was fabulous! Muggy...but fabulous! The humidity over there makes the Valley heat seem not that bad. The cell reception was also terrible so blog posts were a no go but I figure you guys understand. We are still recovering from the trip so to hold you over until my next post here is a picture of me doing Salamba Shirshasana/Headstand in Belize City the day we arrived. I am the exclamation point. The other gal is the photo bomber! Have a great day! Namas(tay)