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Tayoga Conversation with Anita Rodriguez

Below is the latest installment of the soon-to-be-famous (I’m sure) Tayoga Conversations. This conversation is between me and the lovely Anita Rodriguez. Anita and I met through yoga and were partners during our Teacher Training last year. Anita is a true friend and I am so excited to share her story with you. 

Tayoga: How did you get started with yoga?

Anita: Oh yay, I love telling my yoga origin story! I started doing yoga in college, maybe 15-ish years? I found a VHS tape called MTV Yoga. It was taught by Kristin McGee (she was mentioned in relation to Sex and the City?) and the girl from Real World New York (the second cast) who looked a lot like Catherine Zeta-Jones. It was a pretty basic vinyasa class, and I remember starting out barely being able to get through the first 15 minutes. I don’t remember much of the sequence, but I SWEAR we only did half pigeon on one side and I like to joke that I’m still uneven from it. Anyway, time goes by and I’ve really only done that video...for like 10 years. I didn’t really set foot in a studio until about 3 years ago. I was bored on a work trip in San Diego and took a yoga class at a climbing gym. Little did I know I was walking into a 90 minute Ashtanga class. My MTV Yoga did not prepare me for this at all. I was sweating and just wanted to get out, but stuck with it for the whole class. That scared me off for awhile, until a friend of mine took me to one of Sam’s (Wiesner, who we all know and love) vinyasa classes. I absolutely loved it! I started going to more classes in Modesto and found Kaycie Hall! I feel like through Kaycie and Sam I was able to really find my own practice.

Tayoga: I always love to hear your MTV yoga origin story. I can't believe you did that same video for 10 years! Side note: I looked it up and you can buy that DVD on Amazon! I'm thinking I may need to get it so you and I can do it together and then we will get to the bottom of this half pigeon business. Haha! 

Tayoga: At what point did you decide to complete teacher training?

Anita: In my MTV Yoga days, I NEVER would have thought I would be doing a teacher training. Once Kaycie announced she was offering a teacher training program, I knew there was no one else I would rather learn from. In my two years of taking her classes I had learned so much and experienced so much growth in my practice that I knew that I would be in a safe and comfortable space to keep growing. I got so much more out of it than I ever expected and continue to look forward to where it will take me.

Tayoga: I'm so glad you decided to do Teacher Training (TT) at Elevate because having you as my partner was the best thing ever! You have such a calm and steady presence and I cannot wait until I can take a full length class from you. Speaking of - any plans to teach in the future? I know I'm not the only one who is looking forward to having you teach.

Anita: Coming out of TT, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to teach, so I didn’t!  But recently, I’ve decided to take the plunge! I’m looking to take on more opportunities to teach and currently working on bringing yoga to my workplace - the police department. I see a great need for the physical and mental benefits of yoga for law enforcement, so I look forward to sharing that. Also, there just might be an upcoming community class at Elevate taught by yours truly ;).  

Tayoga: Oh, I can’t wait to take your class! It is going to be epic! What advice would you give to people interested in becoming a Yoga Teacher?

Anita: Just do it. The process of teacher training itself offers so much personal growth, even if you don’t feel like you’re at the level to be a teacher. You know what? I still can’t do many inversions or arm balances! You know what else? It doesn’t matter!! Be open to learning and be humble. You don’t have to be flexible to do yoga, and you don’t have to be able to do a handstand to understand the mechanics of it enough to guide someone into it, sure it helps but you can’t let it hold you back.

Tayoga: So true!

Anita: Your turn now! It’s been a little more than a year of teaching for you, what’s changed the most for you since those first few weeks after TT ended? 

Tayoga: I can't believe I have been teaching for over a year now! That just boggles my mind. I would have to say the thing that has changed the most is my confidence. When I first started teaching it would take me hours to put together a flow/playlist and I would have to write down every single detail. I'd even hide the paper under my yoga mat while I was teaching just because it made me feel better to have it there. I slowly evolved into not needing to write it down anymore. Within the last month, I have played around with coming up with something on the spot. I'm happy to say it has gone better than I thought! I know teaching yoga is just like practicing yoga in that there is always room to improve – I think that is the beauty of it! As my confidence grows, so does my love for teaching. Also, my playlists have changed quite a bit. I've become quite adventurous with them!

Anita: Have you noticed any changes in your own personal practice since becoming a teacher? 

Tayoga: That is an excellent question. I haven't really thought about how my own personal practice has changed since teaching. Physically, the only thing that has changed since I started teaching is that I do not practice as often, because I have been teaching more and more. Mentally, my practice has changed quite a bit. I find that I am more patient with my practice and with teachers. Before I would say things like, "I like this teacher but not that teacher."  I have a new appreciation for teachers! 

Anita: I know exactly what you mean! Lately, I’ve loved taking all recent Elevate graduates’ new classes. 

Tayoga: Right?! When they make a mistake, it does not bother me at all, since I know how challenging it is. I also find that my practice has evolved into not just doing postures but absorbing what I can from classes and teachers so I can bring that new pose or cue back to my class. I think teaching has taken over my practice, so I may need to work on balancing that out! 

Anita: I love that you find ways of incorporating new things into your classes. I think sometimes the freedom of creativity for a vinyasa class can be daunting. It shows how comfortable you are bringing in new poses and building classes off of them. Do you see yourself taking on more classes in the future?

Tayoga: On top of my Friday morning class at Elevate, I teach free 30 minute lunchtime yoga in downtown Modesto every Friday with the help of my friend, Brittnie King, and you (thanks for covering my vacation)! I am also on the sub list at a couple different locations including Sukha in McHenry Village and Excel Yoga in Manteca. I like the variety of going to new places. Eventually, I may take on more scheduled classes but with a full-time job it makes it difficult.

Anita: Do you see yourself exploring different styles outside of vinyasa?

Tayoga: I have already started doing this. The lunchtime yoga class is a gentle style. I have also taught chair yoga multiple times to co-workers. Slow flow is very similar to Vinyasa but I have also taught that a couple times. I would love to learn to teach everything…though Ashtanga may be the exception! My love for Ashtanga is currently non-existent but you never know. There’s still time for me to learn to love it. Modesto has a great Ashtanga community so I am in the right place for it!

Tayoga: How did you wind up in Modesto [Area]?

Anita: I was born here! I grew up in Merced, and moved around a bit, but have since settled back at where I started. I have a pretty interesting job and it’s been keeping me here, so far.­­­

Tayoga: What is your favorite Modesto [Area] spot?

Anita: Right now, I’d have to say Elevate! I have so many great memories and feelings associated with the studio. It feels like home, sometimes. A very close second is Blaker Brewing (in Ceres) on Thursdays/Sundays because of the tacos! And the beer! 

Tayoga: You and I have connected through yoga, but also our love for beer! It makes me happy to hear that a brewery is one of your favorite spots. Blaker Brewing is a great spot - I've attended a couple of Beer and Yoga events there. That's how you know it is a quality place. I also know we both love to travel. What has been your favorite non-Modesto spot? 

Anita: I do have two favorite non-Modesto spots one international, one domestic! Japan is one of them. Not anywhere specific in Japan, but just all of it and everything about it. And Yosemite! I love the outdoors, I love hiking, and it’s the one place I have that’s so special and helps me reset when I’m feeling everything all at once. 

Tayoga: What places are on top of your travel list that you have not been to yet? 

Anita: Definitely Paris, France. After that, I’d love to go to Mexico City! This summer I’ll be heading to Scotland and France and it’ll be my first big solo international trip! After watching Kaycie’s videos in Bali, I’m thinking it would be neat to do a yoga workshop retreat in some remote tropical setting!

Tayoga: Last question, if you could do anything differently in your life what would it be and why?  

Anita: I definitely would have discovered my love for baking earlier in life and done culinary school pastry program. I feel my happiest when I’m creating something, especially in the kitchen. I love learning about ingredients, understanding how they work together and sharing what I’ve made with other people. 

Tayoga: Oh man - your pistachio and white chocolate chip cookies are the best! You can share your baked goods with me anytime. Thank you so much for participating in this Tayoga Conversation, Anita. I cannot wait to take your community class coming up at Elevate! Everyone stay tuned!

Note: If you want to follow the lovely Anita on social media you can find her on Intagram @anitawithlasers!

