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Workplace Tayoga

Friday was the first official workplace Tayoga. It was held for the employees of the Almond Board of California, which is located on the top floor of the Doubletree Hotel in Modesto. This event came about because one of the employees had attended my free Friday lunchtime yoga at the Dragonfly-Art for Life. She enjoyed it and thought it would be nice to bring yoga to the workplace. I couldn't agree more! No matter where you work, it seems like stress is always present. It's the degree of stress that seems to vary. Whether you experience a little stress or a lot of stress at work, yoga is always a good idea, in my opinion! The Almond Board brought me in to teach yoga as a way to help the employees relieve stress. This makes me so happy because stress sucks! Count me in for helping others relieve some of that nonsense!

I had 10 ladies join me for this 45 minute yoga session. I thought it was going to be chair yoga, but when I walked in, they had their conference room set up with a bunch of yoga mats! Also, there were a few chairs for those unable to get down on the ground. This definitely tested my teaching skills! I had to teach not only for the 8 ladies on the mat but also to the 2 ladies sitting in the chairs. My brain was working on overdrive, for sure!

Per my usual M.O., I had some fun music playing in the background. We did some stretching, flowing, and, of course, de-stressing! I gave everyone some extra Savasana love with an essential oil which always seems to be the cherry on top of a good yoga class. The class went well. I had a couple people ask me questions afterward that I was more than happy to answer, since I could probably talk about yoga all day!

This was a great learning experience. I was nervous beforehand because any time I try something new it makes me nervous. Usually the best things do, which is why it feels so good after you accomplish it! Apparently, the employees of the Almond Board were asking for more yoga classes so hopefully this is the start of more Tayoga possibilities. We will just have to wait and see!

Have a great week my friends.

