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Baby Tayoga Update

Hi all! Just wanted to give you a little update - I am currently 17 weeks pregnant and feeling good. We have our big appointment set at 20 weeks where we will find out the gender (Eeeee!). I'm going to savor this 2nd trimester!

I'm sure you have all heard a pregnant woman at one time or another say, "the baby is the size of a ____!" Well, I am no different. I have been following the Glow app on my phone, and every week I get so excited to see what the next size is. Andrew and I have made a little game of it - every week the baby has a different name based on the size. My mom mentioned last week that I should keep track of all the names we have given the baby thus far, so, here's our so far is listed below. Let me know which one is your favorite. Some weeks, we were more creative than others. 🧡

Baby Tayoga Names Week by Week

Chocolate Chip - "Chip" - Weeks 5 to 8
Blueberry - "Berry" - Week 9
Green Olive - "Olive" - Week 10
Kumquat - "Kay" - Week 11
Lime - "Limey" - Week 12
Small Peach - "Georgia" - Week 13
Large Lemon - "Meyer" - Week 14
Pear - "Perry Winkle" - Week 15
Avocado - "Ava" - Week 16
White Onion - "Blanco" - Week 17

Since this is a yoga blog, I should probably say something about yoga. :) Just an FYI: lunchtime yoga is still on via zoom. It is on Fridays from 12:15-12:45pm. All you have to do is search my personal ID 274 660 1128. Also, I am working on a yoga video to add to my website, so stay tuned! Have a great week, my friends!

