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First Tayoga Ever

I'm not sure why I was thinking about it the other day, but I thought I would tell you how my first ever Tayoga class went after completing my Yoga Teacher Training (YTT).

I completed my training in April 2018. I can't believe it has been almost 2 years already! As my husband likes to say, "Time's fun when you're having flies." 🤭 The first class I ever taught was a 9am Vinyasa at Elevate Community Yoga on May 11, 2018. I didn't start teaching right after I had finished my YTT since the hubby and I went on a trip for my birthday first. Before I went on vacation, I remember Kaycie asking me if I would be interested in taking over her Friday morning class. It was one of my favorite classes to go to, so I was very excited but VERY intimidated at the same time. Think about it... I was taking over for the owner of the studio! Yikes! Everyone loves and adores her and she is going to throw in a newbie to replace her?! She must have known what she was doing, though, because 2 years later, I'm still teaching the class and I love it. I have come such a long way in my teaching and my confidence. On that note, let's travel back to my first class, where I was a nervous wreck and, of course, had technical difficulties!

I remember getting to the studio an hour early to give myself plenty of time to get situated. Technology is notorious for not wanting to work for me. If you think I'm being dramatic, just ask my husband - he will confirm this. The first thing I did was set up the music - as you probably know, it is very important to me. Luckily, Kaycie came early to help, which worked out since my phone did not want to cooperate for me. Of course, it cooperated just fine for her (sigh). I don't remember the exact number of people that came, but I would say it was around 10. It included a few of my YTT peeps, Kaycie, and my hubby (he wanted to say he made it to my first class ever). I did my flow that I came up with in YTT. Naturally, I did things on the right side that I forgot to do on the left side. Nothing major, but I remember freezing up halfway through class because my brain decided at that time to remember what I had forgotten (thanks brain). I also remember finishing my flow really early - since I was nervous, I'm guessing I was talking fast which made it end quicker. Let's just say we spent a long time in hip openers and twists at the end! Nowadays, I am the complete opposite. My flows tend to go long so I've got to keep an eye on my watch.

The thing I remember the most about my first class is also story I tell the most. At the time, I was mortified, but it really was quite funny. It pertains to a technological issue... shocking, I know. Part way through the class I wanted to turn the music up for the main flow. When I went to turn it up on my phone, I tried but it wouldn't go up. I tried a couple more times but it still wouldn't work so I walked away. All of a sudden the music went up BLARING loud! I just remember the look on Kaycie's face - both our eyes went wide! I had to shout to tell everyone to take a child's pose until we could figure out the music. We did, but boy was I embarrassed!

It's fun to reflect on where I was then and my journey to now. I've had some great classes, and some not so great ones, but they are learning experiences for me. It's good to learn as a teacher; my plan is to keep on learning.

Have a great week, my friends.

