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Tayoga Conversation with Angel Villagomez

Tayoga Conversation alert! Angel Villagomez is our featured yogi this week. I have had the pleasure of getting to know Angel a little better since he has been coming to my Lunchtime yoga on Fridays (thanks for the support!); but there was so much more I wanted to know. Everyone’s story is unique and Angel’s is no exception. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

Tayoga: How did you get started with yoga and at what point did you decide to complete teacher training? 

Angel: I took my first yoga class at MJC. I needed to fulfill my physical education requirement, and I was into that show Dharma & Greg at the time, so I figured yoga was as good of a choice as any. I really enjoyed the class and continued taking more classes at In-Shape. It was many years before I migrated to studios, mostly because the cost - especially compared to free classes at a gym at which I was already a member. I had a few college friends who attended I Am Yoga in Turlock, which is where I completed my teacher training. I had wanted to do it for years, but I never knew how to pursue it, and I was unsure I had enough experience for it, but the anxiety of starting a new job spurred me to dive in should I need something to fall back on in case I quit or got fired.

Tayoga: I feel like a college class is a solid way to start your yoga journey. I remember taking a Pilates class my last quarter at Cal Poly - it was fun but I definitely didn't get into it like you have done with yoga. How long was it between completing the class to when you did your Teacher Training? Did you like the I Am Yoga program? All I know is the Elevate program, since that is where I took my teacher training, but I know every place is different.

Angel: It was around six years before I signed up for teacher training. It wasn’t until after graduation that I returned and took the program. I liked how eclectic it was, dabbling in various styles with a lean toward more restorative ones, but I would have loved to try Elevate’s, too. I just finished the assisting program, so I guess I just did. I recognized many similarities in the assists demonstrated. Wasn’t Lindsey part of your teaching program? She was part of ours, too, so I’m sure there were other similarities in our training. I always remember one thing she told me: “You know your shit.” That’s what gave me the confidence to teach more regularly.

Tayoga: Yes, Lindsey was part of our training also! The Modesto Yoga Community is quite large yet small at the same time. I love that advice from Lindsey! It is so true. I feel like it is so easy to doubt yourself (I'm definitely guilty of this at times), but with all our training, we most certainly know our shit!

I know recently you have been subbing quite a bit at Elevate. How long did it take you after your program to start teaching? Where have you taught thus far? What challenges have you had to overcome to make it to this point in your teaching career? 

Angel: It was about two years after certification that I taught my first class, which was either puppy yoga for the Humane Society of Stanislaus or a class my fellow TT, Clarissa, invited me to teach with her. We’ve taught multiple classes together, so I think of her as my yoga partner-in-crime. The biggest challenge was just putting myself out there, but after becoming a regular sub at Elevate, I no longer feel like a fraud and would not be afraid to apply at other studios, but I doubt I will anytime soon. I don’t want to spread myself too thin. 

Tayoga: I agree, after Teacher Training, the most difficult part is putting yourself out there and actually teaching. I was quite intimidated by the fact that I would have to teach in front of people that were not my TT peers. On top of that, Kaycie asked me if I would be interested in taking over her Friday morning class for her. My first thought was, "Heck yes!" and then I thought, "wait a minute... take over for the owner of the studio? The one everyone loves and adores?! That is some big shoes to fill." It made me EXTREMELY nervous - to say the least - but I'm so glad I stuck with it.

Angel: I felt the same way when I subbed for Kaycie for the first time. It is especially difficult when I do not recognize most of the people in class. I am more willing to experiment with regulars, but I do not want to give somebody who might be there for the first time a bad impression of me or the studio. 

Tayoga: Since I am a big fan of yoga playlists. Tell me a little about your style of playlist you like to use in your classes?

Angel: I remember that I had a playlist set up for a class once but quickly changed to one I found on Apple Music or Google Play instead because I did not want to scare off anybody. If not for your playlists, I probably would not have ever had the courage to be bolder with my own. I like to make ones that always include songs by Lady Gaga, The Cure, and Nine Inch Nails, and also a few songs from Final Fantasy. I try to choose songs that have sentimental value to me and have probably not been used in a yoga class, such as this song from Minecraft I always use during warmup.  

Tayoga: Awwww!!!! That means so much to me and I am so glad to hear it. For the most part, people enjoy fun playlists. You’ll never be able to please everyone, but it is all about owning it. It has taken me time to learn this but I think I’m just about there. You’ll get there too! Andrew has been wanting me to do a video game playlist but I’m not quite there yet. Maybe since you already use Minecraft I’ll pass that one off to you! Haha! Let’s just make playlists and teach yoga instead of our full-time jobs, that's way more fun! 

Speaking of full-time jobs... you mentioned starting a new job. Tell me a little about your other job? Does this job and yoga complement each other or is yoga your outlet to unwind? I know you like to come to my Lunchtime Yoga on Fridays at the Dragonfly-Art for Life. I'm glad your job allows you time to do that! 

Angel: I’m a web developer. I fell into it after school—I majored in English and intended on writing professionally—but it worked out. All those years of living on my computer finally paid off! I enjoy it as much as I can enjoy a job, which isn’t much, but I won’t complain (too much). I like that I can work from home most of the time, although I find myself to be more irritable than when I am at the office. Probably because all I can do is wait until the evening at the office, while work gets in the way of more interesting things to do at home. Yoga definitely helps me unwind, especially after the more hectic days. I love that you teach a class during lunch, especially since I cannot make your Friday morning class anymore. 

Tayoga: Professional writer…I can definitely see you doing that as well. Your writing is so eloquent! I would love to read some of your writing. How did you wind up in the Modesto Area?

Angel: My family moved to Modesto when I was in fourth grade. For years, I dreamt of moving to a big city such as New York or Seattle, but as I built a life here and realized how much I hated traffic and public transportation, I became more comfortable with the prospect of living here for the rest of my life.

Tayoga: I hear you about the traffic and public transportation. Sometimes, on Fridays, I get irritated with Modesto traffic and I know it is nothing compared to big cities! What was it about a big city that initially made you want to move to one? Have you visited New York or Seattle?

Angel: I visited New York City with family for vacation one winter. I enjoyed it, but now I know it isn’t for me. The fantasy of big city life that movies and shows often show attracted me: having a fun job, living in a cozy apartment, being part of an artsy community. The reality is that I hate apartments and lost interest in the artist’s life. Modesto has enough of the same to offer when it comes to entertainment. I’m often surprised by who shows up at the Gallo Center. I am fine with visiting San Francisco now and then rather than living there. I’d get tired of the pier after a month anyway.  

Tayoga: I love visiting SF also but agree that I wouldn’t want to live there. Motown is the place for me! What is your favorite Modesto area spot?

Angel: It feels sappy to say this, but Elevate Community Yoga, of course! It’s the place I go to most - outside of my home. I love it there: the people are genuine and cool and the teachers are all amazing. It checks so many boxes—social, exercise, meditation—and I’m there so often that it’s practically a second home.

Tayoga: Elevate!! Woot woot! Kaycie has done such a good job creating a safe space for everyone. It feels like home when I walk in there as well. 

Angel: Definitely!

Tayoga: Angel, thank you so much for having this conversation with me. You are an important part of the Modesto Yoga Community and I know everyone is going to love reading this. One last question. How can people get in touch with you?

Angel: It was a pleasure and an honor, Taylor! The best place to get in touch with me is my Instagram account: I also have a website to which I hope to give more love this year:

Tayoga: Oh, a website!!! I will definitely be visiting that! Have a great week and I will see you soon!

