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New Tayoga YouTube - 45 Minute Hatha Flow - Heart Opening and Shoulders

Another Tayoga YouTube practice is up and ready for you! It is a Hatha flow so, good news, NO CHATARUNGAS! When I made this particular video I needed something that was going to open up my upper body. Working from home with all this craziness going on was causing me to hold tension in my chest and shoulders. I have to admit...this flow feels really really good! If you notice you're stressed and holding tension in your upper body I highly recommend this practice. 

Suggested props: 
Strap - if a yoga strap is not available then a dish towel or belt would work
Bolster or 2 blocks - if neither of these are available then using a couple pillows or a rolled up blanket is also great.

Fun fact: In case you didn't already know, the hubby and I just found out we are expecting a son! This is the reason I wore blue yoga pants and put the blue balloons in the background. 

