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Tayoga Conversation with Mary Garvey

I am pleased to report that this conversation is the 8th conversation since starting the Tayoga Conversations about a year ago. I’m more pleased to report that it is with the lovely and talented, Mary Garvey! Mary and I first met when she completed her Teacher Training last year at Elevate Community Yoga. We hadn’t really hung out much until we spent most of the day chatting at a friend’s birthday brunch (prior to sheltering at home, of course). It was during this time that I realized I wanted to get to know her more and a Tayoga Conversation was the perfect way to do it… especially during this crazy time! This truly is a great conversation. I feel very blessed to be able to do these conversations with amazing people. Mary truly is amazing and lovely, and I know you will enjoy this read. Sit back, relax, maybe have a beer or a glass of wine, and enjoy the conversation!

Tayoga: How did you get started with yoga and at what point did you decide to complete teacher training? 

Mary: Well I started yoga after a heavy night of drinking... My friend had been doing it for a long time and her mother was an instructor. Her studio offered a "first time free" voucher so, of course, I decided to wake up early and try something new. What a time right!? WELL, it turned out to be a BUTI class - which is the most intense thing I have ever done. I was dying: The room smelled of alcohol that was seeping from my pores; I still had my Baby Spice buns in my hair from the night prior; I was a mess. The class ended and I was still alive! I felt amazing, so I decided to try out the studio for a month. Absolutely fell in love with it. I was using it to get back in shape and escape my work. I was a waitress at the time, and it was beginning to take a toll on my mental health - just very, very stressful. 

It cracks me up that I started this yoga journey all for exercise, but life is funny like that. You think you know what you are doing but the universe has another plan that's already in action. Anyway, I got super into heated vinyasa and practiced on and off for a few years. I had found something that brought me to life, gave me energy, put me in a better mood, and made my physical self feel amazing. Talking about yoga just brings a massive smile to my face. 

Currently, I’ve been practicing for 6 years and teaching for a year! I honestly can’t believe that much time has gone by! 

Tayoga: Unfortunately, I haven't made it to too many of your yoga classes because you usually teach in the morning when I'm working or when I'm teaching but I'm hoping that I can make it to more! You have such a great personality and have been practicing yoga for a while now - I think this is a great combination for a fun and knowledgeable teacher. Now that you have been teaching for a year (congrats, by the way), what are 3 things you have learned about yourself?

Mary: Hmmm, 3 things I’ve learned about myself... hmmm... 1) I thought I could never be alone, but turns out I love it. 2) I always thought I was a spiritual person, but this has opened up a new door to that world for me. 3) There is so much more that I need to learn.

Tayoga: Do you have a favorite yoga moment so far?

Mary: What do you mean favorite yoga moment? Haha. 

Tayoga: I'm sure you have lots of fond moments with yoga, but sometimes there are ones that just stand out to you. It could be when you were teaching or practicing; it could be simple or complex. If you don't have anything specific, that's totally fine. One such memory that always stands out to me is teaching my Games of Thrones yoga class. I taught it right before the first episode of the last season aired and everyone was really excited. I remember there were 16 people that came, and some that had never been to the studio - they just liked the idea and showed up. I provided snacks and drinks with fun GoT references and raffled off some Tayoga sunglasses. I even renamed the yoga poses during my flow so Downward Facing Dog became Downward Facing Direwolf, Lion's Breath became Lannister Lion's Breath, and so on. You're going to be shocked, but one part I was extremely proud of was the playlist. Haha! It was so epic! Oh my gosh, I'm smiling just thinking about all of it again. This is one of my favorite yoga memories because I had the idea for this class at least a year before I ever decided to even become a yoga teacher. To see it actually come to be and turn out well with awesome people was just the best thing ever. 

Mary: That is fantastic. You do have the best playlists. That's a fact and everyone knows it. I swear I was in the first Game of Thrones class... haha but honestly everything blends together. Am I going crazy or did I just attend another one of your pop-up classes? 
Tayoga: I looked at the picture of my GoT class and you weren’t in it. I think you were at my Classic Rock Yoga class because I did that one on a Saturday when you were still in TT. You didn’t get a choice; you had to go to that one. Haha! I wore my tie-dye t-shirt. 😊 Did my answer help you think of any favorite moments? 

Mary: Figuring out my favorite yoga moment is a challenge for me... I'm honestly scratching my head. If I were to put my finger to one thing, it would have to be the realization that I found people who I connect so deeply with. Finding an amazing friend group through yoga is my absolute favorite yoga moment! It’s a feeling like being home! I know I’m pretty cheesy, but cheese is also my favorite food so it makes sense! 

Tayoga: Haha! Cheese is definitely one of my favorite foods as well!

Mary: What made you want to become the amazing instructor that you are?

Tayoga: Aww, you're so sweet :) I started doing yoga as a form of rehab for a knee injury. Like you, I fell in love and just kept doing it. I had followed Kaycie to different yoga studios. When she opened her studio and was offering teacher training, I knew I wanted to be part of the first generation. I discussed it with the hubby, and luckily it worked with our schedule (aka we could still go to the SLO beerfest) and TA-DA my yoga teaching journey began. I didn't really have a plan for after finishing the training. I thought I might try to offer assisting during classes, and see where I could get my foot in the door. Luckily, Kaycie offered me the Friday morning slot, and the rest was history! 

Mary: The universe is a funny place! I know I miss going to your Friday morning classes!!!! You always keep class fun and interesting. I miss you!

Tayoga: I miss you, too!

Mary: How did you hurt your knee?

Tayoga: I was taking a pole dancing class and was doing a really cool move when an extremely attractive man walked in. Let's just say I got distracted and lost my grip resulting in a broken knee cap... HAHA! Oh, how I wish that was the actual story! That's the story my mom came up with because the actual story is pretty pathetic. I was on a date with a guy I had been seeing for a few months. We were eating dinner at BJ's Restaurant here in town and I left to use the restroom. On my way there, my right heel slipped on the ramp going down which meant my left knee went straight down on to the tile. Oh, I was so embarrassed. I popped back up, went to the bathroom, and returned to my date. It wasn't until I tried walking out of the restaurant that I thought, “damn... I messed something up.” Let's just say dessert turned into a trip to the ER. BOO! I much prefer the "pole dancing" story to the "I was walking to the bathroom" story. And, no, I was not drunk, in case you were wondering!

Mary: I've always wanted to take a pole dancing class, so I got excited there!  Well, that is definitely a bummer. Our bodies are so crazy. Funny that that's all it took! But not ‘haha’ funny! I like your mom, though; she sounds pretty cool. 

Tayoga: You’re right, my mom is very cool!

Tayoga: Since we are doing this interview through all the Coronavirus craziness, how has it affected your yoga practice?

Mary: Since this virus began, I have started to get the creative juices flowing: writing out new flows and learning to come back to what I find fun to teach. My bond to yoga has grown exponentially; it is my rock, my anchor in this crazy storm, my light in a dark room. When I start to feel overwhelmed, I move. I do a little flow or go for a run. I change my perspective, because I am very fortunate, and the "poor me" attitude gets me nowhere! This is a huge life lesson, and I’m trying to soak it all in. A friend sent me this the other day, "If you're not using this time to rest, reset, and prioritize your purpose and people in life, you, my friend, are wasting an opportunity you may never get again. The world literally stopped and shifted for you to get your shit together. If this is torture for you, find out why." Woof! It's true. I am learning that I still have a lot to learn about myself! I still have things to work on, but now I have all this time to! My meditations have changed, but in a good way. They have always been grounding for me, but now I feel like they are rooting me down into something I didn't understand before. 

Tayoga: Love that quote from your friend. So very true!

Mary: Are you and Andrew still working in the office or at home?

Tayoga: Andrew is currently still working at the office, while I just made the switch to home. Being pregnant puts me in the "high risk" category, so I'm playing it safe. I've gotta take care of baby! 

Mary: Well your health and safety - along with the baby’s - is more important than work! How are you and Andrew handling this together?

Tayoga: I feel like Andrew handles everything well. He is always so calm and steady. I love that about him, but sometimes it irritates the crap out of me. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I wish I was like that and I'm not?

Mary: Nate and Andrew would definitely get along. We are very, very similar. What about you?

Tayoga: I've been doing pretty good through this craziness. Sometimes, I get stuck thinking about things I'm missing out on. For example, part of me feels like I'm missing out on my last bit of freedom before the baby arrives. That may sound bad of me, but babies change things - I expected that. I was not expecting a virus to take over the world!

Mary: Man, I feel for you!!!

Tayoga: Another example is: I have a friend/co-worker who is moving to Kentucky in July and now this is cutting into my time with her. So, things like that have been getting to me.

Mary: Have you been video chatting with her? Also, looks like you get to make some trips to Kentucky!

Tayoga: We have been emailing and texting, but I haven’t video chatted with her. I did see her on my birthday, because I dropped into work quickly, so that was nice. I guess this is just practice for when she does move away. Haha! There’s looking at the bright side - I know Andrew would love to visit Kentucky because he is a big fan of bourbon. Thanks for reminding me to find the silver linings. One exciting silver lining has been that Baby Tayoga has gotten big enough that I can feel him/her moving around! It's been a joy to just sit at home with my hand on my belly.

Mary: You are going to be a mom! And you can feel the baby! AH! How are you feeling??

Tayoga: I’ve been feeling great! Second trimester is definitely better than the first, and I hear it is better than the third, as well. I’ve been trying to take advantage of feeling good and this extra time to work on projects I have wanted to do, like Tayoga Youtube! Sometimes, I feel that my second trimester is being wasted on just staying at home all the time, but it is where I’m meant to be. Overall, this experience has been just that... an experience. I know I'm learning from it. We all will. With all the horrible news that has come out of it, I know there can be positives, too. I plan to focus on those.

Mary: I’m curious how life is going to be after this! We can all take away a lot from this. I am happy you are getting into your yoga brand! Mastering the TUBE! Congratulations! I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR YOUR PLAYLISTS! I see big things for you, Tay! I find that very admirable - you are keeping to your routine. We got to keep some feel of normalcy to our lives.

Tayoga: Have any positives come out of the sheltering at home for you? 

Mary: I get to read all the books now! I have about 10 books that have been waiting for me and now I have time!

Tayoga: Ooo...what books are you reading? Any recommendations? 

Mary: I have this awful habit of reading multiple books at the same time. It’s really bad and I really dislike that I do it. Currently, I am reading "Toa Te Ching" and "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself," along with a couple Stephen King books, but I put them on pause to read some uplifting books during this time! Just felt like a good idea.

Tayoga: Definitely a good idea!

Mary: Do you like to read?

Tayoga: Yes, but I don’t read as much as I used to. Once I get started, though, I can’t seem to put a book down. The last 2 books I read were baby prep books. They were very good, but not everyone’s cup of tea.

Mary: Got any new and creative classes going? That's always been my favorite part of going to your class! Fun music, amazing flow, and you! 

Tayoga: Nothing specific as far as classes go. I have had extra time to look up new ideas. I've never had a strong home practice. Now that I am doing that more, it has helped me come up with new ideas. I am definitely still coming up with playlists every week, though. The playlist I made this last week was called "House and Home" and all the songs featured ‘house’ or ‘home’ in the title. I figured it was appropriate since everyone is stuck in their house/home! 

Mary: What has been your favorite take away from yoga? Has it changed your outlook on life?

Tayoga: The first thing that comes to my mind when you mention my favorite take away from yoga is actually my favorite intention I like to set during class, "feel good". It makes me feel good physically (duh), it makes me feel good to know that I found something I am truly passionate about, and it makes me feel good that, through teaching, I get to help others feel good as well. Because of this, it has definitely changed my outlook on life. I like to say that yoga brought me back to life after my knee injury. It helps remind me that life really is good. 

Mary: I love that so much. For a lot of us, it starts out as that physical "feel good", but turns into something so much more.

Tayoga: Yes ma’am! Doing these conversations has definitely shown me that!

Mary: What is a 5 year goal for you and your yoga practice?

Tayoga: 5 year goal... I think my long term goal (it doesn't matter the years) is to never stop doing yoga. I always want to teach, and I always want to practice, even while also being a wife and mother. If I can do that, everything else is just a bonus. 

Tayoga: How did you wind up in Modesto [Area]?

Mary: I am from Maryland, but I have a lot of family here in California (all over). I wanted something more from life. I knew that if I didn't move out of Annapolis, Maryland, that I would be stuck there. The older I got, the harder it was going to be to leave, so I packed up my stuff and moved across the country. I had my own at-home practice and I practiced every day. I didn't know anyone when I moved here (besides family), so it helped keep me sane. I ended up meeting someone about a month after moving out here. I was living in Sacramento, and he was living in the Modesto area, so I was commuting pretty much every weekend. My brother lived in the area, so I moved in with him ‘til I found a place. It felt like I was just floating around, and it made me feel lost, so one night, I got this crazy idea to become an instructor. Yoga was something that I could connect to everywhere I went. I got on Mr. Google and looked up places that held teacher trainings... lo and behold, I found Elevate Community Yoga. I poked around on Kaycie’s website, and just felt an immediate connection. I knew that this was it! I emailed Kaycie to meet in person, and it was meant to be. I cannot emphasize how magical the universe is. Elevate has brought me that sense of connection that I had been searching for. I have amazing friends because of Elevate Community Yoga. 

Tayoga: I’m so glad you found Elevate!

Mary: How long have you been here in Modesto?

Tayoga: I was born and raised in Manteca, so I lived in the area for most of my life. I did spend 4 years at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo getting my nutrition degree. That was such a fun time in my life. Andrew and I still visit at least once a year for the annual beerfest, but it's not quite the same when you're not a college kid anymore!

Mary: Drinking is just never the same once the hangovers start to get worse. That’s awesome that you've made it a tradition to go back!

Tayoga: It’s definitely a good time!

Mary: Do you guys plan on staying here in Modesto?

Tayoga: While I loved my time in SLO, Modesto is home. Andrew and I plan to be here for the rest of our lives. We have had several friends move away in the last couple years and a few more that will be leaving in the next year or so. Andrew states Modesto is usually a stepping stone town - people spend some time here before they move on. It's tough for me. We hate saying goodbye, but one thing we always say to our friends is:  “we will always be here when you want to come back!” Some people think it's weird that Andrew and I want to stay in Modesto. If you think about it, this spot is perfect! We have quick access to big cities (without the big city price), the beach, the mountains, and big airports that can take us to all kinds of places! We enjoy Modesto, but Modesto also allows us to enjoy other places! It's a win-win in our book!

Mary: I love that! And you guys do travel, so there's that! I do like this part of Cali for that reason. When I moved here, I had this vision of what California was supposed to look like - beaches and palm trees, lol, but I didn't realize how spaced-out everything was! I guess my geography sense is lackluster. Modesto is truly a gem - so many amazing little pockets of awesome people. 

Tayoga: Yes, it is! While we plan to stay in Modesto, we may not necessarily stay in our current home. Andrew does structural engineering and dreams about designing his own home one day. Fingers crossed that we are able to do that!

Mary: Can’t wait to see what you guys draw up, but that also sounds like a TON of work! I’m sure Andrew is used to it. 

Tayoga: What about you? I know you and your man just bought a house nearby. Are you guys planning on staying here a while? 

Mary: Yeah, for a little bit. Nate owns his own company, so he is not going anywhere for a while. Not to mention, his family is here and he loves to be with his nieces. Watching them grow up is very special. I do know he wants to travel more and live other places, but I would say that's 10 years down the road. 

Tayoga: Oh yay! That is a decent amount of time which makes me happy. What is your favorite Modesto area spot?

Mary: So, favorite spot as in food? 

Tayoga: Sure, food place works, but it can be any place.

Mary: I love Camp 4 Wine Café, but I also love The Fruit Yard because they have the best fried pickles. I honestly have not been out much, and I’ve been here for almost two years! Haha. 

Tayoga: Once all this is over, we will have to get you out more! Final question, how can people find you? 

Mary: Just Instagram @marygarvey and same with Facebook! Something I need to get on this year! 

Tayoga: Thank you so much for agreeing to do this conversation, Mary! This was a FANTASTIC conversation. Thank you so much for asking questions and letting the Modesto Yoga Community get to know you a little better.

Mary: Love you, Taylor. Thank you so much! I feel so honored. So happy to call you a friend. 

Tayoga: Sending you lots of love, my dear! Stay safe!

