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What's in a Name

Hi all! Hope you had a great weekend. If you're like me, weekends tend to blend together and look the same nowadays. Luckily, this is only temporary. One thing that has kept my mind occupied (besides making new YouTube videos) has been trying to come up with a name for our baby boy. IT'S HARD! Coming up with a name your child will have for their entire pressure! We have a couple ideas but nothing solid. I did a previous post about how the baby's name has changed weekly depending on the size. We have most certainly kept that going so I thought I would update you on the list.

Sweet Potato - "Sweet P" - Week 18
Mango - "Magoo" - Week 19
Banana - started out "Ana" but then we found out it was a boy so it changed to "Banner" like the Hulk - Week 20
Pomegranate - "Granite" - Week 21

Thinking of names has me thinking back to before Tayoga was even thought up. Honestly, I can't remember who came up with the idea for my brand name. It might have been a combination effort by Andrew and I but for some reason I think my brother, John, might have helped with it also. It's too bad we can't remember since I'm sure it will be famous one day! What?! You never know! Haha :) What I do know is I love my brand name. It suits me and has served me well so far. Now we just have to come up with something suitable for our son. He is going to be amazing you know. I'm not partial at all. ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก

Have a great week, my friends.

