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Tayoga in the Park

This past Friday was absolutely AMAZING! I got to teach a 75 minute Vinyasa class IN PERSON to 8 lovely ladies. A friend of mine suggested I should do yoga in the park, which sounded like a fantastic idea! There are so many parks to choose from in Modesto; I wanted to find one that would be somewhat quiet and would provide some shade if needed (I don't want my students cooking in the sun!). With the help of Andrew (who knows this town very well) we settled on Ashby Park. It is a small park nestled in a quiet neighborhood. The park is grass and trees - no playground, no benches - it was PERFECT! Speaking of perfect, please tell me you were able to get outside this past Friday because the weather was absolute perfection. I'm sure God planned it that way for my first live yoga class back. As you can see from the picture, it was comfortable to practice in the sun with a light breeze providing relief when things started warming up!

I will definitely will continue to do Tayoga in Ashby Park on Fridays from 9am-10:15am until Elevate Community Yoga opens back up (and I can return to doing my usual 9am class there). I hope you can join me at least one week. It's amazing what a little sunshine and community can do for the soul. And in case you were wondering, YES, Tayoga playlist are most certainly a part of Tayoga in the park...DUH!

Have a great week, my friends. Namas(tay).
