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What A Weekend

This weekend was so lovely. Despite only sleeping about 3 hours Friday night, I had the absolute BEST day on Saturday. It started bright and early at 7:30am with me teaching a 75 minute Vinyasa class at Ashby Park. The yoga class was the first leg of the Fukari Tribe Triathlon. Elevate Community members also came out to enjoy some fresh morning air and yoga, so we had quite the group of people! For this special event, I created an "Action" playlist - all songs that mentioned walking, running, biking, swimming, jumping, etc. Our peak pose was literally jumping up and down to Kris Kross' "Jump." Haha! That put a smile on everyone's face. To top off the event, I sold lots of Tayoga swag! Tank tops, t-shirts, sunglasses, and decals. I'm going to have to get more made now - which is a good problem to have. My Merch Maker is also quite excited about it!

After I finished up with Tayoga in the park, I hurried home to get ready for my baby shower! What I keep saying about my shower was that it was perfect. It wasn't too big and I could feel the love for me and Baby Huff. The theme was adventure/travel - just like our nursery - and it was absolutely adorable. You could definitely tell it was a COVID baby shower, because you had to have your temperature checked at the door and prizes included Lysol wipes. Haha! So awesome. I was a little worried no one would come because of COVID, but I'm glad that was not the case. We received so many beautiful and generous gifts. Now I just have to get them all organized in the baby's room! The last gift was from my Papa (my Mom's dad). He bought us our crib mattress. My Nona passed away 9 years ago tomorrow and she used to love buying the crib mattresses for her great-grand kids. I'm so glad Papa decided to carry on the tradition (with a little help from my Mom, of course). He wrote the card himself, though, and it was perfect, even if it did make me cry.

I made sure to bring my swimsuit, so after the shower I could go swimming with my family. Since the shower was outside, it felt absolutely amazing to go for a dip in the pool. Ahhh... so refreshing!

In case you were wondering, it was a baby shower just for the ladies. Andrew enjoyed his Fantasy Football draft with the boys. I still made him help me unload the car when I got home, of course. I was so exhausted by the end of the day I haven't even had a chance to show him everything yet. Hopefully tonight!

Saturday night was my first decent night of sleep in a while. It was the perfect end to the perfect day.

