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Will I Make It?

Want to hear something crazy? My due date is this Thursday, September 3rd. Say what?! Where has the time gone? This has certainly been a crazy time to be alive, let alone pregnant! I'm still feeling pretty good but starting to slow down. That's why this Friday will be the last Tayoga class for a little bit. Do you think I will make it? Or will the baby going to come first? I think I'll make it but we shall see! Don't worry though, I'll be back to teaching on Fridays when my body is ready for it. I've already worked it out with Kaycie at Elevate Community Yoga. Let's hope the studios have opened up again by then, because teaching in the park while it is cold does not sound appealing! I guess you've got to do what you've got to do to get your yoga in, though. Am I right?

Have a great week, my friends.

