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Mom Card

Well... I'm pulling the Mom card out as my excuse for my lack of posts this past 2 weeks. The good news is: I'm working on a long post for you. The bad news is: it takes a while to complete when you have a newborn. I figured you understand!

In case you are wondering, Edison is still wonderful. We had a rough day yesterday; but that's part of the job. Today has been much better. My Mom came out to help, so I got a nap (wahoo)! Andrew is also back to work, so things are constantly changing around here. It's a good thing we like to try new things!

On the yoga front, Elevate is opening back up October 19th! Yay! Not sure when I'll be back to teaching on Fridays, but I will keep you all posted. Hope you are having a great week and happy almost Friday!


P.S. I tried to upload an image of Edison, but, of course, technology does not like me so you will have to wait for another picture. Sorry!
