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Taking It Slow


Here's the picture it wouldn't let me upload last week. Apparently, I just needed to refresh my screen! Why couldn't I come up with that last week? I don't know, but, here it is now. Edison is now 3 weeks old. Yesterday I did some stretches and used my bolster for the first time since he was born. It felt amazing. I'm excited to ease back in to yoga. I've read a lot about this time being the fourth trimester (which is a contradiction, I know). Our culture praises women for getting back to their usual shape, exercises, routine, etc. after giving birth, but I've learned that it is a slow healing process (even if you are feeling good). So that's what I'm doing: I'm taking it easy. Slow walks and stretches are where I'm at, as well as lots of snuggles with my boys (I haven't forgotten about Andrew!). Have a great week and maybe take a little extra time this week to take care of yourself. Everyone needs it.

