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I'm back... Again!

Well... as you've probably noticed, it has been 2 months since my last blog post... bad job by me! I used to post on Mondays, but I just have not had time to get around to it regularly on Mondays; so my new plan is to post on Fridays. I'm not sure why I haven't thought of this before, since most of my Tayoga things happen on Fridays. Last week, I scheduled a reminder on my phone to write a post today and it worked! Edison just went down for a nap, so it is perfect timing. 

Let's see... I've been teaching in studio since November. Class sizes have been pretty small, but the last couple weeks I have had 8 people. I was talking with a fellow teacher after class today and was saying how 8 people used to be a small class - but now, 8 people is practically packed! Haha :) OK, not really, but when 2-3 was the normal, it sure seems like it. 

I have continued with my usual fun playlists and funky flows. I feel like I've been more creative with my flows because I do a lot of the flow while teaching. Before, I would mostly walk around so I could give assists and see what everyone was doing. Since assists are a no-go right now, I flow too! It's definitely a good workout.

This morning's flow was fun. For some reason, I've been feeling worried lately. Not sure why, but I felt like it was a good time to focus on heart opening. With heart opening comes back strengthening and core work! To make core work a little more fun, we practiced Elephant Pose. If you have no idea what that is, you should definitely Google it. I have to use blocks, but it is a fun challenge.

My playlist for this morning's class gave a slight tribute to St. Patrick's Day. It had a couple drinking songs and was capped off by Frank Sinatra serenading us in Savasana with "Bein' Green," which is usually sung by Kermit the Frog. I figured Kermit wouldn't be as relaxing as Frank, so that's why I chose that version.

Well... It feels good to be back. Thank you to all of you who follow me (even when I slack off). I plan on fixing that, so stay tuned. 

Have a great weekend, my friends!


Edison hopes you had a great St. Patrick's Day and that you didn't get pinched!
