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Heavy Heart

Hello, my peeps. I usually try to keep my Tayoga posts light and cheery, because that is how I feel most of the time. Today, not so much. Today, my heart is heavy and my eyes are teary.

Andrew and I found out yesterday that one of our close friends passed away due to an accident. I wasn't going to post it, because it doesn't have anything to do with yoga; but then I realized that this blog isn't just about yoga, it's about me.

My post today is not to make you sad; it's simply a reminder: Life is short and can be over far too quickly. Andrew and I have been giving each other extra hugs, kisses, and "I love you's." Edison has been getting extra of those, too (which I didn't realize was possible, since he gets so many already)! This is your reminder to do the same, since you don't know when your time will end. 

Love you, my friends.

