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Gloomy With a Side of Joy

Hello, my peeps! How are you on this dreary Friday? I was not in the best mood when my alarm went off this morning and I saw there was no sunshine outside. If you know me, you know I'm a sunshine kind of gal. Rain is nice for 1-2 days and, most importantly, I don't have to go out into it. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay snuggled in bed with the hubby but the good news is at least I was going to do something fun...YOGA! I was interested to see who would brave the rain to make it to yoga. Answer: all the regular peeps. My morning class at Elevate was a class of 4 regular Tayoga peeps and I decided to use a very old playlist that I had never used in class before. It is different than all other Tayoga playlists because none of the songs contain words. It was a last minute decision to use this playlist instead of the new playlist I made last night because having no words means it is a little more low key usual. I figured it went well with the lack of sunshine. Since it was a different playlist style, that meant my flow got different (aka strange) as well. Good thing it was my regular peeps that don't mind when I experiment on them! 

I was so happy after class. It's amazing how yoga and good people can change your mood. My Mommy and Me yoga class at Dragonfly was no different. I was in a chipper mood from my morning class so we changed things up for this class as well. Let's just say it included some partner exercises which with kids can get interesting. Partner tree pose was great. Partner chair pose not so much. We will have to work on that one. Musical mats was a huge hit though. The winner got to pick which essential oil was used for Savasana. I feel like that is a pretty darn good prize, don't you?! 

The day started gloomy but my side of yoga joy makes me feel as if the sun is shining. Thank you everyone for came to yoga today despite the gloom. You made my day.

Find joy, my friends.

