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Where Have I Been?

Where have I been, you might ask? Unfortunately, no exciting trips to explain my two month hiatus from writing a blog post. Yep... it basically comes down to me being lazy! Or should I blame the fact that I have a one year old? Yes, let's do that. Edison has kept me sooo busy the last 2 months that I have not had a single moment to create a post. ;) 

 I did have a good excuse last week, since a cold went through the Huff household. I promise it was just a cold and not that darn virus that won't seem to go away. I'm so tired of hearing about it that we should treat it like Voldemort from Harry Potter and call it, "It that shall not be named," or something of the sort. Anyway, I've gone off on a tangent. 

Yoga... since that is what this blog is about... What to say about yoga? Hmm... I didn't teach last week, so today was my first day back after my cold and it felt so good. I tried a couple new little quirky moves that I will definitely use again. Since the weather has chilled off, I created an autumn playlist to go along with my quirky mood. It worked ;) 

Have a great weekend, my friends. It feels good to be back. 


