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Hi there! Just checking in to say hello. I am currently relaxing and enjoying the weather. I taught the usual Friday Tayoga classes (9am at Elevate and 12:15pm at Dragonfly Art for Life). This morning was especially fun because I had all ladies in my class, so I was able to use my Girl Power playlist that I had created months ago! Yay! It was also fun because my sister-n-law, Joy, was in town and made it to both classes. We grabbed tea with Anita at the Dragonfly Tea Room in Roseburg square. It is the perfect time of year for a pot of tea. Today was also special because the lovely Brittnie King brought 5 week old baby Aurora to lunchtime yoga and taught the class for the first time in a while! It was an eventful and fun 30 minute session - which also included all ladies. It was a morning for the ladies, apparently. Now to balance it out I'll go see Blue MAN Group at the Gallo Theater tonight! Haha. Happy weekend, my friends. Namas(tay).

I Love Modesto

I know I say this frequently on my Instagram account, @tayoga_motown , but I want to say it here, as well. I LOVE MODESTO! I grew up in Manteca, went to school in San Luis Obispo and Sacramento, and now I live and work in Modesto. I couldn't be happier. This surprises a lot of people. I frequently hear negative things about this city that I love and part of me just wants to tell those people to leave. If you want to be bored in this city, then you can be bored. If you want to have a good time, there is always something going on. For instance, this past week, 7 international artists came to Modesto to help beautify this city. They painted large murals in alleyways off of J St. and 10th St. - you know I was downtown checking them out! Enjoying the murals and DoMo Partnership's First Fridays was just the beginning of the night. Andrew and our friends headed to Ralston's Goat for live music from Bangarang (dancing included, of course!); listened to the live DJ at Lofi; and the

I'm Baaaaack!

I promise I have a good excuse for my lack of blog posts over the past month... The hubby and I went to Europe!!!!!! It was absolutely fabulous. We spent three weeks road-tripping through Europe: eating delicious food, enjoying breathtaking views, and overall, making unforgettable memories. We started our adventure in England, then made our way through Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, France, and Spain. People have been asking me where my favorite stop was, and I have no idea how to answer that question. I can answer specifics. For example, my favorite food was surprisingly Indian food in England... though the raviolis in Italy, the polenta in France, and the tapas in Barcelona did give it a run for its money. It's safe to say I love food. Favorite church (because we visited A LOT) was the Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland. Fun Tayoga fact: this was where my Papa was baptized. Favorite night life: Barcelona, for sure - Those people know how to party! Best dessert: Italy, for sure. I no

Tayoga Conversation with Sam Wiesner

The latest installment for Tayoga Conversations is with the one and only Sam Wiesner. Sam is well-known throughout the Modesto Yoga community. In my opinion, her knowledge of the restorative side of yoga is unparalleled in the area. I have enjoyed learning from her. I consider her a true friend and a beautiful person both inside and out. Sam and I started this conversation back in June. It is safe to say that life became busy, and now we are just now finishing this conversation late in August - better late than never! Much has happened during this time. You may not know this, but Sam will be leaving the Modesto yoga community to start a new adventure – which includes more yoga training (no surprise there!). While she may be leaving Modesto, Sam’s impact on this community will never leave. We wish you the best of luck, my dear! Know that you always have a home here in Modesto. With that said, the following conversation is quite lengthy, but well worth the read. Namas(tay) friends. Tay

You Are Here

It is that time of year again. Yes, it is summer (which I love), but it is not summer that I am talking about. I am talking about the time of year when stress is higher than usual at my full time job. Yoga definitely comes in handy with the stress, but I still find myself getting anxious while sitting at my desk. This happened to me this past week. But just then, I looked up and saw this picture I had saved from years ago. It reminded me that despite the stress, life puts on us we really are still on top of the world. Remember that. Namas(tay) friends.

Creating Space

If you are like me, you've probably used the phrase, "Give me some space." I have recently figured out that it is within our ability to create the space we need. Yoga is all about creating space - creating space in the body and in the mind. I recently heard that the mind has the majority of control over our health - this is something I never fully thought about before. Genetics does play a part, but more often than not, stress is the cause of illness. Since I work in healthcare, I see the side effects of stress all the time. Stress interferes with the mind through fear, confusion, lack of focus, etc. One of my favorite ways to control stress is through yoga. Yoga is about mindfulness. It gives the mind something positive to focus on. More specifically, our breath focuses the mind which can cause change to brain activity. When we practice yoga, we create the space our mind and body need, which allows for breath to move freely throughout the body - ultimately leading to b


It's time for another Tayoga event! This one has been an idea of mine for quite some time. I have this dream that one day the hubby and I will own a brewery/yoga studio. Wouldn't that be amazing? Would you want to do yoga and drink beer in the same place? It sounds delightful to me! Speaking of yoga and beer...Tayoga's Beer & Pretzel event is coming your way next month. Below is the link to Evenbrite to purchase tickets. Space is limited so reserve your spot. Come drink, flow, bend, and have a good time. Plus, I won't send you home empty handed! Cheers and Namas(tay)! Click Here for Eventbrite Tickets