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My Guys

Just dropping you all a quick pic to show you the handsome fellas behind the Tayoga brand. I love them so much! Have a great week everyone. Namas(tay).

Happy New Year!

Hi All! Tayoga here checking in. Did you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year? I imagine your holidays may have looked a little different this year, but I hope they were enjoyable none-the-less. I took some time off from this blog to really savor my time with the family. It was Edison's first Christmas and although he had no idea what was going on, it was still a special time. Can you believe he will be 4 months old tomorrow? Time has flown by and crawled by all at the same time. I am pleased to report he has started sleeping through the night... thank goodness! It's not every night, but I'll take it! Unfortunately, he decided to wake up multiple times New Year's Eve - meaning I was exhausted teaching New Year's Day. But, I made it; It was still a fun time and a great way to start the new year.  I know everyone talks about how terrible 2020 has been. For the world, it has been terrible, but I have to admit it's been pretty good for me and the hubby. I mean,

Black Friday Tayoga

I am pleased to report that I do remember how to teach yoga! My first class back was last Friday. There were only 2 people there, but they were 2 lovely individuals and it was the perfect way to get back into the swing of things. I am also pleased to report that Edison did great hanging out with Granny C while I was away. Whew!  On another note, Black Friday is this Friday! I love teaching on Black Friday because there is always a lot of energy in the room. People are usually off from work and want to come work off some of the turkey they ate the day before. We shall see if this year is the same. Whoever decides to attend will get an updated Black Friday playlist. Last year's playlist was pretty good, so it may be difficult to top, but I will give it my best effort! Hope to see you there. Happy Thanksgiving, my friends. Namas(tay).

Tayoga Is Back This Week!

You read that right! I am back to my regularly scheduled Tayoga class this Friday at 9am at Elevate Community Yoga. I'm a little nervous because it has been a while since I taught, but it should be like riding a bike, right?! Haha. Sign up online and I hope to see you there, my peeps. Happy Monday. Namas(tay).

Travel Time

My lack of posting has been due to being a new mom (duh), but also because my little family of three has been traveling! Edison completed his first road trip, which consisted of 10 days worth of adventures. We visited family and friends. Andrew's cousin got married in Vegas, so Edison is already familiar with the Vegas strip! We also visited Death Valley, Mammoth, and Pinecrest to name a few. He was a champ! I think he is going to like traveling just as much as his ol' folks. We recently just got back from 4 nights at the beach. The whole family goes for Mom's birthday. This was our fourth annual trip and it was a blast. Edison is a natural at the beach. The weather was nice but windy. We still managed to have a great time.  Now it's back to "normal" days (whatever that means). Unfortunately, I caught a cold and now Edison has it, too. Pray that we both get over them quickly! This Friday was supposed to be my first class back to teaching, but I don't want

Mom Bod

I definitely have the whole "Mom bod" thing going on. If I'm being honest, I kind of like it. I figured I better write that down because I'm probably not going to always think that. I haven't done any yoga in over 4 weeks, so everything is definitely softer than it used to be (arms, legs, belly, butt!). It's ok though - It's for the best reason! Edison is 1 month old today. He's such a handsome boy. Both of us want to wish you a happy and healthy week.  Namas(tay).

Taking It Slow

  Here's the picture it wouldn't let me upload last week. Apparently, I just needed to refresh my screen! Why couldn't I come up with that last week? I don't know, but, here it is now. Edison is now 3 weeks old. Yesterday I did some stretches and used my bolster for the first time since he was born. It felt amazing. I'm excited to ease back in to yoga. I've read a lot about this time being the fourth trimester (which is a contradiction, I know). Our culture praises women for getting back to their usual shape, exercises, routine, etc. after giving birth, but I've learned that it is a slow healing process (even if you are feeling good). So that's what I'm doing: I'm taking it easy. Slow walks and stretches are where I'm at, as well as lots of snuggles with my boys (I haven't forgotten about Andrew!). Have a great week and maybe take a little extra time this week to take care of yourself. Everyone needs it. Namas(tay).