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It's time for another Tayoga event! This one has been an idea of mine for quite some time. I have this dream that one day the hubby and I will own a brewery/yoga studio. Wouldn't that be amazing? Would you want to do yoga and drink beer in the same place? It sounds delightful to me! Speaking of yoga and beer...Tayoga's Beer & Pretzel event is coming your way next month. Below is the link to Evenbrite to purchase tickets. Space is limited so reserve your spot. Come drink, flow, bend, and have a good time. Plus, I won't send you home empty handed! Cheers and Namas(tay)! Click Here for Eventbrite Tickets

Tayoga's Corner

As you have likely noticed, I can be inconsistent with my blog posts. It's not that I don't want to write, but life gets busy - Am I right?! Today, I have taken steps to help me become more consistent. Our home now includes a little Tayoga station in one of our spare rooms. It is complete with an old (but efficient) laptop, note pad with orange pen (of course), music (duh!), a picture of myself with my Nona and Papa - which sits underneath a lamp my Papa made for me (aww), and lastly, an essential oil diffuser. As you probably know, Fridays are a BIG day for Tayoga things, so why not add a blog post to such a wonderful day of the week. Hopefully, amazing things will come out of this little Tayoga corner of mine. Well... I better move on to the next thing - creating a poster for the next Tayoga event. Let's just say I hope you like beer. Cheers! Namas(tay) P.S. Here is a picture from this morning; I had fun goofing around after class. The sun was reflecting off a

Happy Summer

Hi all! It's been a while. Just wanted to drop you a little note to say hi. I hope the summer sunshine is treating you well and you were able to enjoy the recent holiday. Here is a picture from my weekend. Celebrating America's birthday along with my husband's birthday is one of my favorite times of year. Being able to celebrate them with family, friends, and toes in the sand is absolutely priceless. Happy belated 4th of July. Happy summer. Happy life. Cheers! P.s. Another Tayoga conversation is in the works so stay tuned!

Tayoga Conversation with Anita Rodriguez

Below is the latest installment of the soon-to-be-famous (I’m sure) Tayoga Conversations. This conversation is between me and the lovely Anita Rodriguez. Anita and I met through yoga and were partners during our Teacher Training last year. Anita is a true friend and I am so excited to share her story with you.   Tayoga:  How did you get started with yoga? Anita: Oh yay, I love telling my yoga origin story! I started doing yoga in college, maybe 15-ish years? I found a VHS tape called MTV Yoga. It was taught by Kristin McGee (she was mentioned in relation to Sex and the City?) and the girl from Real World New York (the second cast) who looked a lot like Catherine Zeta-Jones. It was a pretty basic vinyasa class, and I remember starting out barely being able to get through the first 15 minutes. I don’t remember much of the sequence, but I SWEAR we only did half pigeon on one side and I like to joke that I’m still uneven from it. Anyway, time goes by and I’ve really only done that vide


I love savasana! Anyone with me? I am proud to say I have never had to leave during savasana. It would have to be an extreme circumstance to get me to leave early. Anyway, here is a picture of me doing savasana in a hammock on the beach in Belize. BEST. SAVASANA. EVER! Have a great day!

I'm Back!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately! The hubby and I went on vacation to Belize and as you can probably guess it was fabulous! Muggy...but fabulous! The humidity over there makes the Valley heat seem not that bad. The cell reception was also terrible so blog posts were a no go but I figure you guys understand. We are still recovering from the trip so to hold you over until my next post here is a picture of me doing Salamba Shirshasana/Headstand in Belize City the day we arrived. I am the exclamation point. The other gal is the photo bomber! Have a great day! Namas(tay)

Busy Weekend

The weekend was full of family, friends, rain, Game of Thones, and of Friday Fridays are my big yoga days. I taught my usual 9am class at Elevate Community Yoga. The class flowed to a couple of Spice Girls song which I think went over well! We focused on binds with our peak posture being Bird of Paradise. Almost the entire class got into it! Some for the first time! Wahoo! After that I had a pot of tea with one of my favorite people, Anita (Tayoga conversation is in the works with this lovely lady so stay tuned!). Tea was followed by lunchtime yoga downtown at the Dragonly-Art for Life. One of the students that attended had a new knee injury so lunchtime yoga was transformed into chair yoga! Brittnie King led us through the perfect 30 minute chair yoga. It just goes to show we welcome all levels at our Free Yoga Fridays! To continue with the Friday Yoga theme, I headed to Escalon to teach yoga to my niece's 4th grade class one more time before the end of the scho