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Mardi Gras

This post is a bit delayed but if you've never been to the South for Mardi Gras I highly recommend it. In February/March we did a 2.5 week road trip through the Bayou and were even in New Orleans for actual Mardi Gras. This was one of the COOLEST TRIPS EVER! Let's just say I'm ruined for all other parades now.  Oh ya...and since this is a yoga blog I should mention that I did yoga in Mississippi and Alabama. The Alabama class wasn't the greatest but the Mississippi one was fantastic! I made sure to write everything down afterwards and have incorporated multiple moves into my classes. Hopefully one of these days I'll take a yoga class in every state. Have a great day, my friends. Namas(tay).

Can Life Get Better?

Polar Bear jammies and a puzzle crown. Can life get any better? Maybe if you add some Tayoga to the mix...and some orange sunglasses ;) Love ya, my friends. Namas(tay).

Weekend Getaway

Hi all! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Andrew, Edison, and I were fortunate enough to have a little weekend getaway with some friends in Monterey. The weather was GORGEOUS! It was an exhausting weekend but we packed a ton of fun in. Some highlights included watching sunsets on the beach, visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and soaking up some sunshine with friends. Of course, I had to throw in a yoga pose in front of the ocean for good measure ;)  Have a great week! Namas(tay). Note: The orange Aloe Vera flowers match my pants and sunglasses! One of many reasons I love sunsets...they are often ORANGE!

Happy 2022!

Happy belated Christmas and New Year everyone! I hope your holidays were what you wanted them to be. Ours were pretty chill which was lovely. I'm excited to see what the new year will bring. New Tayoga things are in the works so stay tuned, my peeps. Namas(tay). Here's a picture from our park trip today. Just thought you might enjoy it. 🧡

Happy "Belated" Thanksgiving

Hi all! How is it December tomorrow? Anyone else feel like time is just flying by? Anyway, I just popped on here to wish you a belated Happy Thanksgiving. Andrew, Edison, and I had 3 Thanksgivings this year. Having multiple in one day can be rough so I am very thankful that is was only one per day. In between the busyness of Thanksgiving, teaching Black Friday Tayoga, and attending a Gallo show this last weekend, I am pleased to report that the Huff House is fully decorated for Christmas. Our tree is up and Edison is enjoying taking all the ornaments within reach off of it. Let's just say the top of our tree is heavy with ornaments! I am not a fan of winter but Christmas and all it comes with is most certainly the redeeming quality of winter. Though I will admit the weather the past couple days has been quite lovely but don't tell anyone I admitted that ;) Have a lovely day and a very Merry Christmas season, my friends. Namas(tay). P.S. Black Friday Tayoga was a small class but

Gloomy With a Side of Joy

Hello, my peeps! How are you on this dreary Friday? I was not in the best mood when my alarm went off this morning and I saw there was no sunshine outside. If you know me, you know I'm a sunshine kind of gal. Rain is nice for 1-2 days and, most importantly, I don't have to go out into it. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay snuggled in bed with the hubby but the good news is at least I was going to do something fun...YOGA! I was interested to see who would brave the rain to make it to yoga. Answer: all the regular peeps. My morning class at Elevate was a class of 4 regular Tayoga peeps and I decided to use a very old playlist that I had never used in class before. It is different than all other Tayoga playlists because none of the songs contain words. It was a last minute decision to use this playlist instead of the new playlist I made last night because having no words means it is a little more low key usual. I figured it went well with the lack of sunshine. Since it was a diff

Where Have I Been?

Where have I been, you might ask? Unfortunately, no exciting trips to explain my two month hiatus from writing a blog post. Yep... it basically comes down to me being lazy! Or should I blame the fact that I have a one year old? Yes, let's do that. Edison has kept me sooo busy the last 2 months that I have not had a single moment to create a post. ;)   I did have a good excuse last week, since a cold went through the Huff household. I promise it was just a cold and not that darn virus that won't seem to go away. I'm so tired of hearing about it that we should treat it like Voldemort from Harry Potter and call it, "It that shall not be named," or something of the sort. Anyway, I've gone off on a tangent.  Yoga... since that is what this blog is about... What to say about yoga? Hmm... I didn't teach last week, so today was my first day back after my cold and it felt so good. I tried a couple new little quirky moves that I will definitely use again. Since the