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Busy Weekend

The weekend was full of family, friends, rain, Game of Thones, and of Friday Fridays are my big yoga days. I taught my usual 9am class at Elevate Community Yoga. The class flowed to a couple of Spice Girls song which I think went over well! We focused on binds with our peak posture being Bird of Paradise. Almost the entire class got into it! Some for the first time! Wahoo! After that I had a pot of tea with one of my favorite people, Anita (Tayoga conversation is in the works with this lovely lady so stay tuned!). Tea was followed by lunchtime yoga downtown at the Dragonly-Art for Life. One of the students that attended had a new knee injury so lunchtime yoga was transformed into chair yoga! Brittnie King led us through the perfect 30 minute chair yoga. It just goes to show we welcome all levels at our Free Yoga Fridays! To continue with the Friday Yoga theme, I headed to Escalon to teach yoga to my niece's 4th grade class one more time before the end of the scho

Tayoga Tap Takeover

Ok... so it's not really a tap takeover, because there are no taps to take over and it is only one beer BUT it is the first ever Tayoga Brew! A friend of ours, Aaron, is a home brewer. I knew he was the right man to help make Tayoga Brew because he also brewed a delicious Milk Stout for our wedding.  A couple Saturday's ago, Andrew and I went over to Aaron's house to begin the brewing process. It wasn't easy like I thought it was going to be. I figured I'd get to drink beer and, every once in a while, I'd toss a new ingredient in. That was not the case! Aaron made sure I understood what I was doing, so I was quizzed throughout the entire process (I passed with flying colors, in case you were wondering). I also had to grind coriander with a mortar and pestle and stir for quite some time while we added the malt (and there was LOTS of malt)! I lucked out, though, since he bought a new stirring spoon - I hear the old one was quite irritating! After everything was

Tayoga Conversation with Andrew Huff (Tayoga Husband)

Below is the second of hopefully many Tayoga Conversations. This one takes place between me and my husband, Andrew. He is a great supporter of all my Tayoga shenanigans, but you will probably notice through this conversation that yoga is not his cup of tea. Enjoy! Tayoga: How were you introduced to yoga and what has been your impression of the practice thus far? A: I was introduced to yoga through the insistence (or is that persistence?) of my lovely wife, who is on the other side of this interview. Of course, you didn't ease me into anything, so my first class experience was vinyasa on the sand under the hot sun in Long Beach , and second experience was Aerial Yoga, which went about as well as you'd expect for a six foot three, 275# yoga novice... I guess that's fair since I didn't ease you into dating me in the first place, eh? While I can see the appeal of yoga in general, I haven't found anything that I particularly love. What I do like about what I&#

Tayoga Galore

I don't have much to say this week so I'll let this past weeks pictures speak for me. They are worth a thousand words after all! Have a great week. Namas(tay).

Life is GOOD!

I don't have any real theme for this post - just a couple random thoughts since life feels really good right now. 1) THE SUN IS OUT!!! I am a spring/summer girl for sure! The hubby and I went for a bike ride with friends yesterday. It was great! And yes... I do other forms of exercise besides yoga! 2) My birthday is tomorrow! I will be 31-derful! I have the day off work - the current plans are: yoga, massage, hanging with my mama, then later with the hubby. My birthday really started on Saturday and is lasting for a week. Wahoo! 3) A yoga studio reached out to me to see if I would be interested in being on their sub list! That's exciting. 4) Several Tayoga things are coming up!        - Lunchtime yoga is being added to Tayoga Fridays (12-12:30pm) at the Dragonfly-Art for Life        - Game of Thrones Yoga is this Saturday (11am-12:15pm) at Elevate Community Yoga. Snacks and raffle prizes are in the works.        -I will also be subbing extra days at Elevate in Mode

New Feature: Tayoga Conversations

This week I asked my husband, Andrew, if he would be interested in writing a blog post on his views on Tayoga or just yoga in general. I thought it would be good to have others' views on here instead of just my own. He came up with the brilliant idea for Tayoga Conversations. The plan is to have a back and forth conversation with different people in the community to help the Modesto yoga community grow. I plan to chat with fellow teachers, students, family, and friends, so stay tuned for future conversations. Here's the link for all future conversations ( ). Well, I figured I shouldn't subject others to something I'm not willing to do myself - so below is the first conversation, featuring me in the hot seat with Hubby Huff on the other side of the conversation. Enjoy! A: How did you get started with yoga and at what point did you decide to complete teacher training? Tayoga: I got started with yoga in the winter of 2015. A friend was going

"On Fridays We Tayoga"

A friend who regularly attends my Friday morning Vinyasa class told me a while back, "On Fridays we Tayoga." Haha! I loved it! This past Friday was full of Tayoga fun. I taught my usual 9am class at Elevate Community Yoga, then headed to my niece's school and taught her 4th grade class a 30 minute yoga session in the afternoon. There are 27 kids in that class! I was a bit nervous, but, it was fun, of course. They ooh'd and aah'd over my headstand. I'm glad I didn't get nervous and fall over! After that, I headed to Manteca to take a class at Excel Yoga which was led by a lovely lady who is going through her teacher training program. She did great! It was nice to get my own practice in, rather than teaching. I didn't realize how exhausting being a yoga teacher was until I became one. The night was topped off with dinner with new yoga friends from Excel Yoga, then tea on the couch with my hubby. Let's just say by the end of Friday I was wiped out a