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OOOO BABY BABY! Baby Tayoga Arriving September 2020

Hi all! This is an extra special post because I finally get to tell you all that I am pregnant! Andrew and I are expecting our first little one this September 2020 and we are absolutely thrilled. To give you a little back story, we found out on Christmas Day. Shortly after that, we headed to Disney World for New Years Eve. I've been bragging that we are the best parents because we have already taken our kid to Disney World (teehee). It has been a bit of a challenge keeping this a secret. If you know me, you know that the hubby and I love to drink beer. Avoiding that in front of friends was basically impossible, so our friends were the first to find out (sorry sissy). Next to find out the good news was my family - We told them on my Papa's 96th birthday and it was absolutely perfect! I had wrapped up a little note that said great-grand baby #15 was arriving in September 2020. He was so excited and everyone was so surprised. My mama started crying she was so happy. After my

Tayoga Conversation with Brittnie King

The following conversation is with the talented and beautiful, Brittnie King. Andrew and I were introduced to Brittnie and her husband, Justin, at Concert in the Park a few years back. Our mutual friends decided that the four of us should meet since we all had one major thing in common…WE LOVE BEER! As you can probably guess, we all bonded over some good beer and our friendship has continued ever since. I was excited to do this conversation with Brittnie because her background is fascinating to me. As you will find out below, Brittnie’s background is in ballet. It has been such a joy to get to know her, watch her perform, teach alongside her, and, of course, drink some really good beer along the way. I hope you all enjoy this conversation. Cheers. Tayoga: How did you get started with yoga and at what point did you decide to complete teacher training? Brittnie: Because of my training in ballet, yoga was something I commonly did to improve my flexibility. It wasn't until later

It's Simple Really

I went to dinner with a friend last Tuesday. We don't get to see each other very often so it was nice to catch up with her. She is a great conversationalist and always asks questions that make me think. We were talking about some things I have been working on for Tayoga and she asked me. "What is the goal for Tayoga?" I had to think about it for a second. I just enjoy teaching yoga and doing yoga and making playlists and basically all things that go along with being Tayoga that I never really thought about what I want the end goal to be. Andrew calls Tayoga my million dollar idea. It would be exciting if Tayoga turned into something that everyone in Modesto or even the nation knew about. Maybe one day my logo will be as popular as the Lululemon logo or maybe orange sunglasses will be all the rage and it will all be because I love yoga. This wasn't my answer to the question though. My answer was simple really. I never want to not do yoga . I always want to teach Tayoga

Tayoga Conversations Update

Everyone seems to enjoy the Tayoga Conversations. It is a great yet simple way to get to know individuals in the Modesto Yoga Community. I have a couple conversations in the works and am looking forward to sharing them with you all. In these conversations you will get to know two lovely women. One started practicing yoga last year and recently became certified as a teacher. The other has been practicing and teaching yoga for years while also continuing her passion for ballet. There are so many wonderful people in this town and I cannot wait to introduce you to them. Happy Monday everyone. I hope your week is truly fantastic! Namas(tay).

Happy New Year!!

Hello my friends! I took a month off from writing this blog to enjoy the holiday season. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The holidays are always a busy time of year, but I love them anyways (despite the cold weather). We spent a lot of time with family and friends, which is my favorite thing to do (yes, even more than yoga). With all the craziness of the holidays, I have to admit I did not get much yoga time in. Andrew and I went to Florida for a week for a family reunion on his side; I was hoping to get in some Florida yoga but we were much too busy enjoying Disney World and The Kennedy Space Center. Let's just say we got a lot of walking in but not much stretching! I made sure to include some lower body stretching in my classes last Friday, because I figured if I needed it, then others needed it as well. 2020 is off to a good start for this yogi and I hope yours is off to a good start as well. 2019 was a great year, so 2020 has a lot to live up too

Peeps Likey

My class this past Friday (12/13/19) was a good example of a week in which it was nice to have a "library" of playlists to pull from, and it was a good illustration of how to be flexible as a yoga teacher, not just as a yoga student. The playlist I used this week was from my own library, my "Peeps Likey" playlist. It's actually a really old playlist; I probably made it over a year ago. The reason I called it "Peeps Likey" is: every time I use it, someone comments on how much they liked it. This week was no different - I had someone come up to me after class and say that they loved the playlist. So, it's aptly named. However, it actually wasn't the playlist I had originally planned for this week. I was going to use a different playlist that I started a long time ago called "No Words" - the first playlist that I put together where it was all instrumental and there were no words in it. I figured, "oh, the weather's bad, you know

NO Lunchtime Yoga Until 2020

Hi all! This is just a quick note to let you all know that my free lunchtime yoga at Dragonfly-Art for Life in downtown Modesto is going on vacation for the rest of the year. With this busy holiday season (and not so ideal weather), I decided to cancel the rest of the lunchtime classes for December. No need to fret, though; Anita, Brittnie, and I will be back in the new year so you can start your New Years' resolution of going to yoga every Friday 😉. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Cheers and Namas(tay), my friends.