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Will I Make It?

Want to hear something crazy? My due date is this Thursday, September 3rd. Say what?! Where has the time gone? This has certainly been a crazy time to be alive, let alone pregnant! I'm still feeling pretty good but starting to slow down. That's why this Friday will be the last Tayoga class for a little bit. Do you think I will make it? Or will the baby going to come first? I think I'll make it but we shall see! Don't worry though, I'll be back to teaching on Fridays when my body is ready for it. I've already worked it out with Kaycie at Elevate Community Yoga. Let's hope the studios have opened up again by then, because teaching in the park while it is cold does not sound appealing! I guess you've got to do what you've got to do to get your yoga in, though. Am I right? Have a great week, my friends. Namas(tay).


 Hi all! Every so often I like to share one of my playlists with all of you. This is the week! This is also your friendly reminder that my playlists are available for a monthly subscription on my Patreon page. Check it out at For other free playlists see the "Playlists" tab on my website. Ok...enough advertising. Now for the good stuff! This list is one I put together for the Fukari Tribe Triathlon a few weeks back. Yoga was the first leg of the race. So, obviously, it featured a bunch of songs that involve movement of some sort… walking, running, biking, racing, swimming, jumping, etc. I am quite proud that the peak of the class landed on "Jump" by Kris Kross because then everyone was able to get their heart rate up and JUMP! It was great. Hope you enjoy!   Namas(tay). Main List: 1. The Distance – Cake – 3:00 2. These Boots are Made for Walkin’ – Nancy Sinatra – 2:43 3. On a Bicycle Built for Two – Nat King Cole – 1:46 4. I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)

Short and Sweet

Hello my peeps. This blog is going to be short and sweet. I am currently 37 weeks and feeling good. My plan is to continue to teach on Fridays until baby boy decides to make his appearance so if I'm not there on a Friday you will know why!  I was hoping to go to park yoga this morning but it was already 87 degrees at 8:30 this morning so I decided against it! I thought my 9am class this past Friday was hot but today definitely wins. I hope you all are staying cool in this crazy weather. Have a great week! Namas(tay).

Whoops...I Blame Pregnancy Brain

My bad, my peeps! I just started my maternity leave and apparently my brain has gone to mush which is why I am writing this post on a Tuesday instead of a Monday. I'll do my best to not let it happen again but at least I got in some yoga time yesterday! Even though I wasn't doing my blog I was still doing yogi things. I was able to attend my first yoga class since everything got closed down again. Kaycie from Elevate Community Yoga led a 75 minute (pregnancy friendly) Hatha class at Ashby Park in Modesto. It was lovely. Even though I was the only pregnant one there I think everyone appreciated that it was pregnancy friendly!  The rest of the day was pretty chill. I took a nap after yoga (which was also lovely) and the rest of the day consisted of doing whatever the heck I wanted to do (re-organizing the house and baby's room, start packing my hospital back, watch the Giants game, eat gummy bears from Sprouts, snuggle with the hubby). There was a slight glitch in my lovely d

What A Weekend

This weekend was so lovely. Despite only sleeping about 3 hours Friday night, I had the absolute BEST day on Saturday. It started bright and early at 7:30am with me teaching a 75 minute Vinyasa class at Ashby Park. The yoga class was the first leg of the Fukari Tribe Triathlon. Elevate Community members also came out to enjoy some fresh morning air and yoga, so we had quite the group of people! For this special event, I created an "Action" playlist - all songs that mentioned walking, running, biking, swimming, jumping, etc. Our peak pose was literally jumping up and down to Kris Kross' "Jump." Haha! That put a smile on everyone's face. To top off the event, I sold lots of Tayoga swag! Tank tops, t-shirts, sunglasses, and decals. I'm going to have to get more made now - which is a good problem to have. My Merch Maker is also quite excited about it! After I finished up with Tayoga in the park, I hurried home to get ready for my baby shower!

Tayoga Conversation with Sharon Taporco

Sharon Taporco is a HUGE part of the Modesto Yoga Community - she teaches so many different styles of yoga at many different locations. We’ve been able to hang out a few times and even did our Assisting Program through Elevate together. Through this conversation, I have had the pleasure of getting to know her a little better, and now you can get to know her a little bit better, too! Not only does Sharon teach a lot of yoga, but she is also going to school, so she is one busy lady. It took us a little while to complete this conversation because we have both been busy, but I promise it is worth the wait! Enjoy, my friends. Tayoga: How did you get started with yoga? Sharon: My mother introduced me to yoga when I was in high school. She took me to the class she went to at Gold's Gym (yeah, that long ago), and, as it turns out, Debra Rocha was our yoga teacher. I didn't make that connection until I started teaching in 2017 when my Mom pointed it out. To be honest, it took m

Tayoga Triathlon

FUN NEWS EVERYONE! On August 1st, I will be hosting the first leg of a triathlon! It is not your typical triathlon - it sounds far more fun! There's a local group called the Fukari Tribe that enjoys doing different outdoor activities and they have decided to put together a triathlon that features yoga, a 5K, and a swimming portion. A friend of mine, Teresa Wright, is putting it together and she asked if I would host a 75 minute Vinyasa class at the park to be the first leg of the race! Naturally, I said yes. This special Tayoga class will take place at 7:30am at Ashby Park in Modesto on Saturday, August 1st. If you only want to do the yoga portion you are more than welcome to head home after it is over. If you want to continue on with the rest of the race then participants will head out to Lake Turlock for a 5K - you can run it if you want to but if you would rather walk, bike, skateboard, or roller blade then that works too! After the 5K, the final leg is a swim in the lake which