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Tayoga Classic Rock Experience

You read that right! Tayoga will be flowing to Classic Rock hits at Elevate Community Yoga next month! Are you as excited as I am? You may be wondering where this idea came from...the hubby! He is a big-time Classic Rock fan. You may remember that he is not a huge fan of yoga, but he loves me, so he puts up with my shenanigans. A while back, he told me he would go to at least 3 more of my yoga classes: Beer yoga (2 of my favorite things combined), Games of Thrones yoga (last season comes out in April!), and Classic Rock yoga. I didn't realize I would be doing a Classic Rock class but now is the perfect time. It is Teacher Training time at Elevate Community Yoga, so lots of pop-up classes are being added to the schedule. I hope you pop-in for a pop-up class, even if it is not my Classic Rock class. I promise you won't regret it. If you are interested in a far-out yoga experience, check out the details below. Peace! Tayoga Classic Rock Experience Details: Date: S

My Love for Orange

Hello all and happy Monday. I decided to theme this post around my favorite color, orange. If you know me, you know I am very passionate about this favorite color of mine. My love for orange started back in elementary school. I believe I was in the 4th or 5th grade when my parents bought a pool table to put in our game room. Oh how exciting that was! My friends and I would play for hours. Since we were not coordinated enough to play actual pool, we decided to come up with our own game. We would divide the balls between us by color, then roll them back and forth on the pool table trying to make them in the pockets on the other persons side. I always found myself choosing the 5 and 13 balls because they were such a fun, vibrant, happy, beautiful color...ORANGE! Since then, my love for orange has grown exponentially! I think it was fate that my first car was an orange 1972 Datsun 510. Fast forward to today and you will rarely see me without my orange sunglasses on. My yoga mat is orange

Happy 2019 from Tayoga

Happy 2019 everyone!   My husband and I have a tradition that started when we would get back from one of our trips. We ask each other, "Tell me your top 3 moments of the trip in no particular order." It gives us a chance to look back on the trip and really think about the great times we had. This tradition also applies to the year. At the end of every year, we ask each other the same questions and then get to reminisce about the great times we had over the year. Trust me, sometimes it is difficult to remember everything that happened over the year! For 2018, completing my 200hr yoga teacher training was definitely in my top 3. It was a huge accomplishment for me and something I never thought I would do. Yoga has been so good to me! What are your top 3 moments/trips/experiences of 2018? What are you most looking forward to for 2019? I'm looking forward to spreading Tayoga to more of the Modesto community, along with going on some international trips with the hubby.

Cold Season

Well... I came down with my first cold of the year. I was so close to making it a whole year! My husband and I went to Napa for his work Christmas party this past Friday. It was a delightful time; but then I did not feel good for the rest of the weekend. However, I did manage to make it to a yoga class in Napa. It was titled "Vinyasa - Advanced". I was hoping that I could use this class to sweat out my cold, but, unfortunately, it did not work. I did enjoy the class, though. I always enjoy attending new classes with new teachers so I can bring new ideas to my classes. One thing I have noticed is many Vinyasa teachers do multiple small flows in their classes, while I tend to do one flow and then build on it. Just goes to show that the possibilities are endless. Vinyasa really is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get!

Balance During the Christmas Season

bal·ance /ˈbaləns/   Noun - an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady . Verb - keep or put (something) in a steady position so that is does not fall. Synonyms - stability, steadiness, footing, poise, level It has been a while since my last post. My apologies about that! I just wanted to check in and see how you all are doing during this Christmas season. Personally, I enjoy this time of year and usually do not let it stress me out. Have you been stressed? At the beginning of my classes this season I have been offering the intention of balance. Balance is not only important in the yoga practice but for life. Balance helps us to manage stress. In yoga, the key to balance is finding a focal point or (a drishti). If you find one spot of the floor or wall to focus on it will help you balance physically. The same goes for life. Choose a focal point for this Christmas season. Make sure it is the most important thing to you and focu


Check out the new Tayoga logo! I am very excited about it. And yes, that is me doing Warrior 3/Virabhadrasana III. This pose was chosen for my logo because it looks like a "T" for Tayoga. In order to make the logo personalized to me, the orange sunglasses were added. If you know me, I always have my orange sunglasses with me! I'd melt in the sun without them! My husband was a huge help on this one. We both contributed to the idea but he is the one who worked with Never Boring Design to make our vision a reality. We chose Never Boring because they are a local company and we always try to support the local guys. They did a great job and I could not be happier with it. Keep an eye out for the Tayoga logo. When you see the orange sunglasses you know it's time to try out a Tayoga class! Can't wait to see you.

Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter

Do you have a favorite season? I know here in the Central Valley, people say we don't have all four seasons; but that does not bother me. Summer is my season of choice, which puts winter way at the bottom. I would love fall but it is poisoned by the fact that winter comes after it! During fall, you might find me saying, "Winter is coming". Yes, I am a Game of Thrones fan. Ok, so I may be a little dramatic. The main thing I dislike about winter is the lack of sunshine. When there's not a lot of sunshine I tend to get a little sad and gloomy. Luckily, yoga helps with this! Yoga is a wonderful winter activity. It is great for physical and mental health. During winter it can be difficult to exercise outside due to the weather, so going to a studio or doing yoga at home can be the perfect solution. If the lack of sunshine gets you a little gloomy or depressed, give yoga a try! The deep breathing helps to balance the autonomic nervous system and will improve your mood.